Friday, 14 July 2017

Counsellor Education holds her public lecture

The department of counsellor education, held her annual public lecture, at the Faculty of Education lecture theater.

This year marks the third public lecture, with the department upholding the legacy of her predecessor.

The representative of the HOD, Dr. Esere, in her speech, commended the department for being consistent with honoring lecturers, and urged them to keep the legacy going.

Dr. Mrs Okesina, delivered a lecture, titled, 'Prevention of corruption in Nigeria : the role of counsellors.'

In her lecture, she explained the different forms of corruption. She enthused that; they include bribery, embezzlement, favoritism, extortion among others.

According to her, the consequence of corrupt act, include; inadequate provision of essential amenities, high rate of unemployment, high rate of poverty,  among others.

Some roles stated by her, to be carried out by counsellors, to prevent such act, include; provision of awareness through guidance, motivation or encouragement, modeling, mentoring and among others.

The honoree, Prof. S. H. Umoh, was presented an award by the representative of the HOD, Dr Mrs Esere, together with the first Makama of Ilorin.

Other awardees, Alhaji Oba Adebayo Adelodun and HRM Oba Dr Steven Olajide.

The event ended with the launching of second edition, of the department magazine.



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