Tuesday 11 July 2017

Macron Angers Fans With G20 Africa Speech

French President, Emmanuel Macron, annoyed fans with his speech at the G20 Summit, suggesting Africa has “civilizational” problems which might be related to women having “7 or 8” kids.

The quote shows that the comment about “7 or 8” kids was just one of many “challenges” Macron attributes to Africa.

“The challenge of Africa is completely different, it is much deeper. It is civilizational today", he said.

Macron said, according to one English translation. “Failing states, complex democratic transitions, the demographic transition…One of the essential challenges of Africa…one of the eight countries, that today has seven or eight children born to each woman.”

Macron was considered to be the “centrist” candidate as compared to “far-right” challenger Marine Le Pen. However, many are latching on to his comments about “civilizational” and “7 or 8 kids” as a reason to reconsider if Macron is really as “centrist” as they once believed.


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