Monday 10 July 2017

Trump Jnr admits, he met Russians to discuss Clinton

US president's son, said in a statement that, a Russian lawyer, whom he met in June 2016, claimed she could provide him potentially damaging information about his father's Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

At the meeting, which also included Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and Trump's then-campaign chairman Paul J. Manafort, the Russian lawyer opened by saying she knew about Russians funding the Democratic National Committee and Clinton, the statement said.

Donald Jr said her statements were "vague, ambiguous and made no sense" and that she then changed the subject to discuss a prohibition that the Russian government placed on the adoption of Russian children as retaliation for sanctions imposed by Congress in 2012.

The president's son did not disclose the discussion when the meeting was first made public by the New York Times and did so when the Times prepared to report that he had been offered information on Clinton at the session.


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