Saturday 19 August 2017

Trump's 🐦 Typo sets off Rifle, on Twitter

When sending out 🔊 a response to the counter protestors 💪 in Boston that quelled a "Free Speech" rally, President Trump attempted to tweet 🐦 a message ✉️ about the country needing protest 💪 in order to "heal."

Except the first tweet 🐦 didn't go quite as planned, where he hoped 👍 the country would 'heel'. The second tweet wasn't any different.

Trump's third tweet 🐦 read, "Our great country has been divided for decades. Sometimes you need protest in order to heal, & we will heal, & be stronger than ever before!"👌 It looks like third time's the charm!

But some Twitter 🐦 users captured the typos in screenshots‼️

Source: Duta


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