Tuesday 19 September 2017

Ancient Maya King Found in 'Centipede Dynasty' Tomb

As researchers were wrapping up excavations in El Perú Waka’, a small settlement in northern Guatemala, one scientist unexpectedly found the hidden bones of an ancient Maya ruler.

“He accidentally came into the foot of that tomb, and there they stared at the bones of the king,” said research co-director David Freidel.

The team of archaeologists and anthropologists from the El Perú Waka’ Archaeological Project then proceeded to call in the Guatemalan army to secure the region—standard procedure to prevent looting, Freidel said.

The remains are a male, buried “head to the east, wrapped in textile, and placed on top of his offering vessels,” said Freidel.

All of those are signs of the figure’s importance, leading the team to conclude that this was a member of the ruling class.


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