Friday, 14 July 2017

Checkout this movie review

When Matt Reeves🎬 donned the director's hat for 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'🐵 in 2014, he breathed fresh life into the franchise. 'War for the Planet of the Apes,'⚔ the final film in the trilogy, becomes his swan song for the simian films👏.

The titular war in the film is between apes🐒 led by their leader Caesar (Andy Serkis) - out to avenge the death😡 of his family and protect his tribe at the same time - and the bloodthirsty😈 humans led by the mysterious Colonel (Woody Harrelson)🔫.

The film strikes you with its evocative visuals😍, ably aided by the poignant music🎶; watch the movie with your eyes closed🙈, and you'd still be moved by it. Although the film is reminiscent of 'Apocalypse Now,'📽 it stands apart for its phenomenal approach as a character drama👥, and not a mere animal vs man action epic. Oh, and Andy Serkins? He's got the trump card🌟.

🎬Director: Matt Reeves

Source: Duta


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