Friday 18 August 2017

Mali Islamist charge for €3m in damages

An Islamist militant who is serving a prison sentence for destroying ancient mausoleums in Timbuktu has been found liable for nearly 3m euros in damages.

Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi was jailed for nine years last September by the International Criminal Court (ICC). He admitted leading rebel forces who destroyed the historic shrines at the world heritage site in Mali in 2012.

The ICC judges' latest ruling came after considering how his victims should be compensated.

Presiding judge Raul Cano Pangalangan said the 2.7m euro ($3.1m; £2.4m) damages should go to the local community of Timbuktu protecting the sites.

A symbolic one euro was awarded to both the Malian state and Unesco, which runs the world heritage sites. As Mahdi is in prison and has no money, the funds for the damages will come from the ICC's Trust Fund for Victims.


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