Thursday 17 August 2017

Trump tweet: Back at it again

President Trump reiterated on social media yesterday and early today that he back back on top 👍🏻 of his twitter 🐦 game!

He patted himself on the back, lauded a mayor 👏, yelled at the press and then felt sad about statues of leaders being removed. That's a lot of emotions within a few hours.

🐦➿ Jacob Wohl: President Trump alone has succeeded in bringing the Stock Market, Small Business Index and Consumer Comfort to ALL TIME HIGHS! MAGA

Someone else did the patting 👋🏻 for him!

🐦 Just landed in Bedminster, New Jersey.

🐦 Today in Bedminster I signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017, joined by DeptVetAffairs SecShulkin

🐦 THANK YOU MayorGimenez for following the RULE OF LAW! Sanctuary cities make our country LESS SAFE!

Trump thanked 👏 Mayor Carlos Gimienez of Miami-Dade County for agreeing 👍 to enforce a "lawful immigration system." He also shared a video 📷 in which Attorney General Jeff Sessions discussed sanctuary cities in Miami, Florida.

🐦 Publicity seeking Lindsey Graham falsely stated that I said there is moral equivalency between the KKK, neo-Nazis & white supremacists and people like Ms. Heyer. Such a disgusting lie. He just can't forget his election trouncing.The people of South Carolina will remember!

Here he attacks fellow Republican, Sen. Lindsey Graham, after he criticized 👎Trump’s response to the violence ⚔ in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.

🐦 The public is learning (even more so) how dishonest the Fake News is. They totally misrepresent what I say about hate, bigotry etc. Shame!t

We all know what this is about!

🐦 Great to see that Dr. Kelli Ward is running against Flake Jeff Flake, who is WEAK on borders, crime and a non-factor in Senate. He's toxic!

🐦 Many meetings today in Bedminster including with Secretary Linda M and Small Business. Job numbers are looking great

🐦 Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson - who's next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!

Under fire 🔥 for defending racist activist 💪 groups, President Trump said on Twitter 🐦 on Thursday that he was “sad” to see United States’ history torn apart by the removal 🚫 of “our beautiful statues and monuments,” echoing a popular white supremacist refrain that oppose the removal of Confederate monuments.

Uriel Idowu.

Source: Duta


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