Thursday 17 August 2017

Trump tweet: Quite compose

If you wondered whether President Trump slowed down a little after his press conference 📰 in NYC yesterday, which created sparks everywhere, think again.

Here he is giving it to Amazon and North Korea 🇰🇵. Also, the irony of his tweet 🐦 on the Charlottesville victim is not lost.

🐦 Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers. Towns, cities and states throughout the U.S. are being hurt - many jobs being lost!

Trump is back at bashing 👊 Amazon and this time, it's about the e-commerce giant taking away american 🇺🇸 jobs. Apparently, Amazon's stock value went plummeted 📈 after the tweet!

🐦 Congratulation to Roy Moore and Luther Strange for being the final two and heading into a September runoff in Alabama. Exciting race!

🐦➿ CLewandowski: Please watch foxandfriends today at 7:30 AM to watch me discuss realDonaldTrump

🐦➿ Harlan: Watching MSM you would have no idea realDonaldTrump clearly, unambiguously & repeatedly condemned the bigotry & violence in Charlottesville

Of course. By blaming all sides.

🐦 Congratulations John

Trump retweeted a Fox & Friends article about Provo Mayor John Curtis winning 👏 GOP nomination in special election  to fill Jason Chaffetz’s seat

🐦➿ jessebwatters: Thanks for watching!!

Retweet of Fox News critic Jesse Watters, whose show 📺 topped Sunday Night prime time cable news with 1.6M viewers‼️

🐦➿ Fox News: .POTUS: "Our infrastructure will again be the best in the world. We used to have the greatest infrastructure anywhere in the world."

🐦 Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!

Trump's comment comes after a report earlier today that said North Korea's leader🇰🇵 said he changed his mind about an attack, but warned he could change his mind.


Just felt like shouting 🔊 that out loud, i guess! 💪

🐦 Wow, Senator Luther Strange picked up a lot of additional support since my endorsement. Now in September runoff. Strong on Wall & Crime!

If that's not some disguised self-praise 👋, then what is❓

🐦 Memorial service today for beautiful and incredible Heather Heyer, a truly special young woman. She will be long remembered by all!

A memorial service for the woman who was killed in the Charlottesville violence ⚔ will take place today and if she's on the side that has problems and is to blame, what makes her 'truly special' to Trump?

🐦 Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!

Trump is facing the aftermath or the CEOs quitting 👎his council.

Source: Duta


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