Saturday 19 August 2017

Trump tweet: Trump Getting Tough

After the terror 💣 attacks on Barcelona yesterday, President Trump has been on a roll, condemning 🚫 the attack ⚔, offering support 💪, condemning 🚫 islamic terrorism, condemning 🚫 democrats for delay in security measures, condeming...

🐦 The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!

After a white van 🚘 ploughed into the streets and killed 💐 at least 13 people, President Trump was quick to condemn 🚫 the attack and provide support 💪 to Spain.

🐦 Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!

Here, Trump cited 🔊 an apocryphal story about an American 🇺🇸 general executing 🔫 dozens of Muslim prisoners in the Philippines 🇵🇭 and defiling their bodies with pig blood in the wake of a deadly terror attack 💣 in Barcelona.

🐦 Homeland Security and law enforcement are on alert & closely watching for any sign of trouble. Our borders are far tougher than ever before!

Although this is a response 🔊 to the Barcelona terror 💣 attack, Trump has made security 💪 a signature issue of his presidency.

🐦 The Obstructionist Democrats make Security for our country very difficult. They use the courts and associated delay at all times. Must stop!

Here, immediately after assuring 👍 the people, he lashes out at the Democrats and blamed them for delays in security measures for the U.S. 🇺🇸

🐦 Radical Islamic Terrorism must be stopped by whatever means necessary! The courts must give us back our protective rights. Have to be tough!

While it's unclear what "protective rights" the president 🇺🇸 was referring to, he has previously advocated for an expansion of the US' 👀 mass surveillance capabilities!

🐦 Heading to Camp David for major meeting on National Security, the Border and the Military (which we are rapidly building to strongest ever).

🐦➿ Hugh Hewitt: NeverTrumpers elite MSMers and virtue signalers are persuading themselves that realDonaldTrump supporters are deserting. They are not. 1.

🐦➿ Hugh Hewitt : I spoke to a group of influential CA GOPers tonight, long time activists, bundlers, influencers. Support for realDonaldTrump has increased

🐦 I have directed that U.S. Cyber Command be elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command focused on cyberspace operations.

This would be the US' 🇺🇸10th unified 💪 combatant command, which are regional brances like the Pacific Command, or world-wide like the Special Operations Command.


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