Saturday 19 August 2017

Ukip Wants to Pay British Foreigner to Leave UK

John Rees-Evans wants to take money from the £12 billion foreign aid budget in order to pay for his scheme to remove a million people from Britain every year.

Rees-Evans, who famously accused a gay donkey of raping his horse, is one of eleven people in the running for Ukip leader, including anti-Islam campaigner Ann Marie Waters.

Using the examples of British citizens with Indian or Tanzanian heritage, Rees-Evans said: "We would reduce the cost of living in this country and we’d incentivize people who are not doing particularly well in this country to leave and return to their country where they can create a thriving business and improve our lives here in Britain."

His proposed "fast-track" scheme would give dual-nationals £9,000 plus health care to "return to their country of origin," which he believes would "create jobs in this country, reduce unnecessary population and reduce the strain on infrastructure in Britain."


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