Monday 29 January 2018

Bash should be sanctioned for indulgence, not misappropriation

The recent suspension of the SU Sport Secretary, Bash, by the Senate Council for alleged misappropriation of funds got from the University of Ilorin League, has raised mixed reaction among students and other stakeholders of the Union since it occurred.

While many think, the Senate Council was not considerate enough to let go, many feel it was a just action, while others considered the whole matter as a break in communication processes.

The Senate Council, through their findings and constitutional analysis sanctioned him for ten working days. Bash however, with evidences claims his innocence and not deserving any sanction.

 The suspension was effected on the 13th January, 2018 at the Moot Court, Faculty of Law. Last year, Bash proposed the 2017/18 Unilorin League to the Senate Council which was approved. As a revenue for the League, forms were sold to teams and these forms summed up to 200,000 naira as affirmed by Bash himself. In line with the constitution, this fund was to be remitted to the Unions account but according to Bash, there were needs for the league that needed urgent attention.

Bash claims that "expenses had gone up to N144,200, as at the Week 6 of the League. I personally delivered the financial record statement to the Senate President, and with that, I felt they had gotten enough details and consequently given me a nod to paddle on."

 The Senate Council, during the Budget Presentation on the 24th of December, 2017 told Bash to remit all funds generated from the League within the next 72 hours from that time. "I have malaria and I was hospitalized for about a week" Bash claims in the UCJ interview. With an evidence of the receipt, Bash remitted the balance of the fund to the Union on Friday, 12th January, 2018.

 As a result, the Senate Council alleged misappropriation on the ground that Bash had the 'union's money' in this personal account but was given 72hours to remit the money along side a report on how much he spent which he both failed to.

These allegations were claimed by Senators who had backed their points with the constitution. Bash's reason for his act was his illness which on his part was not communicated to the Senate.

Misappropriation means the wrongful, fraudulent and corrupt use of public funds. According to facts drawn from both sides, the Sport Secretary, Bash did not misuse the Union's fund. He submitted the break down of expenses and remitted the balance which serves as evidences. The delay in act and response was what triggered the story. The Senate Council however tagging it as misappropriation is a stumbling block to Bash's political growth beyond the corners of the University.

Bash who claims to have been sick also accepts that he delayed in responding saying that "I actually resumed back on 9th" and the money was remitted on the12th. Bash tampers with his reputation and integrity by disobeying and delaying which shows his disregard for the constitution and lack of diligence.

To say that Bash misappropriated the fund is sensitive. He should have been alleged for unreliability, indulgent and disobedience to the constitution for the sake of being just and rightful.

Nevertheless, in order to promote ethical values, standards, moral and serve as a lesson for other political office holders, his sanctioning was deserved.

The senate claimed Bash didn't remit the money despite being available for four working days. However, the Senate could have done personal investigation on the extent of his illness, which might have aided effective/less controversial resolution.

It is unprofessional to pick sides but it's important, to make suggestions with salient reasons on how the matter should have been handled.

OJEBODE, Sewueseter Tomi

UCJ, Editorial

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