Monday 7 August 2017

Trump tweet: Make America Great Again

It looks like the weekend has refreshed the President 🇺🇸 and his energy levels seem at an all time high at the start of the week.

A series of tweets 🐦 on Monday morning attacking ⚔ 'fake news' 📰 and Senator Richard Blumenthal has probably left the President feeling more like himself again. Let's read.


In case you wondered ❓ what Trump 🇺🇸 was planning to do.

🐦 ➿ IvankaTrump: Administration is committed to supporting military spouses in the workforce. Thanks Kim for sharing your story!

The White House hosted a listening session on Thursday so that the administration could get a better understanding of the lives of military spouses and Kim is a woman from Utah who spoke 📞 to Ivanka Trump about her story.

🐦 The Fake News 📰 refuses ❌ to report the success of the first 6️⃣ months: S.C., surging economy & jobs,border & military security,ISIS & MS-13 etc

Everything's just great, 👌🏻 except nobody else seems to think so!

🐦 Just completed call 📞 with President Moon of South Korea 🇰🇷. Very happy 😃 and impressed with 15-0 United Nations vote on North Korea sanctions. 🎉

On Saturday, the United Nations Security Council voted 👆🏼 unanimously to impose new sanctions 📖 on North Korea 🇰🇵, with both China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺 joining to vote for the U.S.-proposed 🇺🇸 sanctions. The sanctions are estimated to cut🚫 the rogue state's $3 billion annual export revenue by as much as $1 billion. 😱 And it looks like both Trump 👨🏼 and the South Korean 🇰🇷 President are celebrating over it.

🐦 The failing nytimes, 📰 which has made every wrong prediction ❌ about me including my big election win (apologized), is totally inept!

Oh, here we go again.

🐦 The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News 📰 polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio... Supreme Court pick, economic enthusiasm, deregulation & so much more have driven the Trump base even closer together. Will never change‼️

A new poll 👆🏼 shows that Trump’s base is shrinking 👎🏻 in swing states. The poll of 2,901 likely voters 👆🏼 from Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania showed a drop 📈 from 35.3 percent of voters in April and was particularly high among Republicans with an almost 10 percent drop in strongly favorable views of the president 🇺🇸 among GOP likely voters. But we know, of course, this is all 'fake news'.

🐦 Hard to believe that with 24/7 Fake News 📰 on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTIMES & WAPO, the Trump base is getting stronger!

🐦 Working hard 💪🏻 from New Jersey while White House goes through long planned renovation. Going to New York next week for more meetings.

🐦 Interesting to watch Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut talking about hoax Russian collusion when he was a phony Vietnam con artist!

Someone's upset that the Senator was supporting the investigation 🔎 into alleged Russian 🇷🇺 meddling in last year's election.

🐦 Never in U.S. 🇺🇸 history has anyone lied or defrauded voters like Senator Richard Blumenthal. He told stories 📖 about his Vietnam battles ⚔ and....conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie‼️ He cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child. Now he judges collusion?

Here, Trump references a 2010 controversy over Blumenthal’s military ⚔ service. During his Senate campaign, Blumenthal was criticised for repeated remarks that he had “served” in Vietnam, even though he did his full Marine service in the United States. But this tweet 🐦 isn't a retort, at least not a smart one‼️

Source: Duta


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