Sunday, 27 August 2017

Young Chinese rejected by army, for being too fat, masturbate excessively

While Xi Jinping may want to build a stronger, more advanced military force to "safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests," there are some concerns that China's incoming recruits won't be up to the task -- being too busy playing on their phone, eating and masturbating.

According to an article posted on the WeChat account of the _People's Liberation Army Daily_, 56.9% of armed services candidates at one unnamed town were rejected for failing to meet physical fitness standards. One-fifth of these candidates were rejected for being too fat, others because excessive smartphone use had damaged their eyesight or because they had consumed too much snack foods or soda pop, resulting in poor liver and gallbladder function.

Meanwhile, 8% were rejected because of "abnormal enlargement of small testicular veins," which they blamed on too much masturbation.


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