Tuesday 30 May 2017

The just concluded Call to the Bar ceremony witnessed some new additions as regards standardizing the procedure for legal practice in the Student Union court. The event was organised by the SU Judicial Council in conjunction with the Student Union Bar.

During the auspicious event, new wigs were inducted into the Bar and four distinguished law students were conferred with the prestigious rank of Senior Advocate of the Union (S.A.U).

However, before the induction proper, a call for application was made along with the criteria prescribed by the panel constituted by the Chief Justice to screen candidates for the said rank. One of the interested applicants who applied for the post was not considered by the Panel, and claims the panel is yet to any reason for his exclusion despite the fact that he met the requirements of the law.

In this exclusive interview with UCJ UNILORIN, Mr. Omotosho shares his thoughts and feelings about the whole issue. Enjoy!

UCJ: Can we meet you, sir?

Omotosho: I am Omotosho Muhammad, sir.

UCJ: What's your take on the just concluded Call to the Bar Ceremony?

Omotosho: I can't really say much about it because I wasn't present at the event. But I'm using this medium to congratulate the new wigs and the newly inducted members of the Inner Bar.

UCJ: We learnt you applied to be shortlisted for the rank of Senior Advocate of the Union, why weren't you considered?

Omotosho: I have no clue as to why not. I mean, I submitted my application, and I was punctual to the screening conducted afterwards. I met the requirements listed. It was puzzling when I wasn't considered.

No reason was made known to me by the members of the panel or the Chief Justice of the Union. Even in the conventional world, if a person applies for the title of Senior Advocate of Nigeria and he isn't shortlisted, the panel makes known to him the reason(s) why he wasn't considered.

This gives the person the chance to appeal the decision. Courtesy demands it.

UCJ: Are you saying the SU Bar did not communicate this to you, sir?

Omotosho: Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. However, the panel wasn't created by the Bar, but by the Chief Justice of the Union. The C.J. is required by law to constitute a panel as regards the conferment of the title of S.A.U. No one communicated anything to me. It's a curious case I must admit.

UCJ: What's your view about the profile of those shortlisted for the rank of SAU?

Omotosho: Distinguished persons. They are experienced members of the Bar. Knowledgeable as well.

UCJ: So, you don't have any issue with their being selected?

Omotosho: No, I don't.

UCJ: So, do you have any bone of contention with the selection process?

Omotosho: That I do. It seems like I was witch-hunted. There was a reason why there were requirements which had to be met. Those requirements were conditions precedent. I met the requirements and exceeded it. I was punctual to the screening as requested. There hasn't been any explanation whatsoever afterwards. I believe they owe it to me. This is disrespectful to say the least. I've been dedicated to the legal practice ever since I was called to the Bar.

UCJ: We learnt it was boldly stressed that the panel has exclusive right of interpreting the requirements as they apply to each situation?

Omotosho: Of course it was stated. This raises certain questions. What does that even mean? What situation? There were specific requirements. Why would that be further included? Seems to have been engineered as an excuse to not confer some persons.

UCJ: Could you shed more light on that, please?

Omotosho: A specific provision is sufficient enough. The requirements were specific enough. But the additional note made it discretionary. Why then were those previous requirements stated? When you state that certain requirements have to be met for something, after those requirements have been satisfied, the next thing is to do the needful.

I wouldn't question the integrity of the members of the panel, but it seems suspicious. Right from the moment some of us saw the additional note, we knew something wasn't right. The fact that no reason was given to me makes it more suspicious.

UCJ: Will you seek redress in court?

Omotosho: No, I won't. It's like them being judges in their own case. 4 of the 5 members of the panel are Justices. And also, our law here doesn't provide for an appeal like the conventional practice.

Nevertheless, I respect their decision. Though it raises lots of eyebrows.

UCJ: What implication does it have for the future of legal practice in Unilorin?

Omotosho: I believe it'll be like what happens in the conventional world. Those who are in the Inner Bar get privileges. They're also at an advantage when it comes to getting high profile cases and appointments in to top positions. For example, a person who is a S.A.U. has a better chance of being the Attorney General, or being the President of the Bar ahead of persons like me. It seems unfair, but that's just the way it is.

UCJ: What message do you have for our readers as regards this issue?

Omotosho: To the student legal practitioners, they shouldn't be discouraged. It's easy to be discouraged when you hear the story of someone who gives his all and is dedicated to the practice of law, and yet, is denied such a recognition for efforts. They should continue to practice, and be their best at what they do. *What will be will be.

And to the Chief Justice of the Union, I believe the Court Rules that is being amended at present should provide for an appeal in instances like this i.e. being able to seek redress.

Osuji Chima Francis

Finally, the long awaited 2017 annual Press Week by the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ), University of Ilorin chapter, commenced yesterday 30th May, 2017 at the Social Science Lecture Theatre (SSLT), Unilorin.

This week-long program will run from Tuesday 30th May, to Friday 2nd June, 2017; with each day loaded with educating, motivating and encouraging events specially packaged not only for UCJ members, but also for all students of the University of Ilorin.

The theme of this year's public lecture is, 'Socio-journalism: the future of journalism.'

Among the dignitaries present were; Dr. Mahfouz Adedimeji—Director, Center for Peace and Strategic Studies, Dr. Mrs Abdulbaqi—HoD of the department of Mass Communication (Unilorin), Dr Azeez Lukman—Sub Dean, Faculty of Communication and Information Science (Unilorin), and Mr. Abdulkareem Abiodun—Chairman, National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Kwara state chapter.

Others include; the immediate past President of UCJ UNILORIN—Alfa Fineboy, current UCJ President—Mr. Basheer Muhammad Ishola, members of the Press Council, and a host of others.

The event proper started with Miss Aisha Shittu delivering the Press Prayer, followed by the singing of the school anthem, and the welcome address by the UCJ President.

Dr. Mrs. Abdulbaqi spoke immensely on the topic, 'Socio-journalism: the future of journalism. She stressed on the difference between citizen journalism and socio-journalism citing examples of socio-journalism platforms like The Medium etc.

According to her, socio-journalism has some characteristics which makes it outstanding and preferable to citizen journalism in the sense that it goes through the process of screening, publishers reside in cyber space coupled with the fact that it is professionally edited. Reverse is the case for the latter.

As regards the functions of journalists, she quoted Harold Lasswel to the effect that journalists engage in surveillance of the environment, serve as watchdogs, and protect part of society's heritage for transition to generations.

Dr Mahfouz Adedimeji expatiated on the topic by making reference to two books: 'Future Shock' by Alvin Toffler, and 'Lost in the Himalayas' by James Scott. Making allusion to the former, he stated that 'in order to avoid future shock you must have multiple competencies.' He further stated that society has evolved from a stage of superstition to industrial revolution to science and to the period of information.

He therefore urged the audience to strive for journalism no matter their course giving instance of Wale Adediran, the former president of authors in Nigeria, who is a doctor.

In his words, 'competition these days is very stiff, for you to stand out, you must be outstanding.'
He ended his remark saying, 'if you don't have a strategy, you are part of somebody else's strategy.'

The NUJ Chairman, Kwara state chapter, Mr. Abdul Kareem Abiodun also had some words of admonishment for members of UCJ UNILORIN. He commended, and advised UCJ members to continue with what they do even though it's on a selfless basis. He urged members to go into journalism with a sense of patriotism, passion and humanity, not for money.

The questions asked during the interactive session were effectively answered by Dr. L.A. Azeez and other members on high table.

There were hints from the guests as to how students can become  professional journalists. The august event ended with a group photograph of the guests and members of UCJ, UNILORIN.

Iwayemi Zainab

Monday 29 May 2017

What do you really know about the current President of Unilorin Student Union popularly known as Eminent?

To most people, this phenomenal leader is Godfearing, diplomatic, friendly, visionary, people-centred, and result-oriented.

While to others, he's Machiavellian, sensitive, cunning, partial, and deceitful.

That's because, Eminent means different things to different people!

Here are 15 things you probably didn't know about the current President of Unilorin Student Union, Eminent:

1. His full name is Shobowale Lukman Olawale David. However, some people dem still believe say the Lukman part of his name is political. No be we talk am o...

2. This sensational leader hails from Lagos. However, his roots can be traced to Ewekoro/Abeokuta in present day Ogun state. Politicians dem eh....

3. He is the 3rd child out of 4 in his lovely family.

4. Eminent is not just a student leader doing aluta and aloha things o, he also runs a business outfit named Educational consult.

5. He is a Godfearing Christian who does not joke with weekly church services. Did you even know that he attended a church service today being his birthday?

6. Now, this one is suspect but then, what can we say? Eminent says he's Single! Hmmm...Eminent, single? Diariz God in everything that we do o...(in Mama Peace voice).

7. His philosophy of life is, 'Nothing is impossible with God.' Wait a minute o, what about his famous 'posterity will judge' remark?

8. His favourite quote is, "give your best while you can." To this end, many believe he's indeed giving his best to the student populace.

9. Brother Eminent's role model is Jesu Christi (Jesus Christ). His mentors are the like of Fela Durotoye, Kunle Soriyan, Toyosi Akerele etc...

10. His favourite writer is the author of Best-Selling novel, Rich Dad, Poor Dad—Robert Kiyosaki.

11. Now this is what we call real ambition. Eminent aspires to become the President of Nigeria in future. Obviously, he's got the charisma and vision to realise this big dream.

12. The most memorable day of his life so far was his first day in a plane. But then, what about the day he was pronounced the winner of the last SU presidential election that was keenly contested?

13. Did you know Mr. President attended Royal Comprehensive College, Baruwa, Lagos? Well, now you do...

14. Despite his free meals at Item 7, Beans (ewa) and lightly fried plantain (dodo) remains his favourite combo.

15. His favourite colour is White which is a symbol of purity. Did you know that the nick of Eminent's Vice President (PS) is Purity? Watching out for the next news headline that will read, 'Purity weds...' Abeg, fill in the gap.

We at UCJ UNILORIN congratulate Mr. Shobowale Lukman Olawale as he adds another golden feather to his age.

Happy birthday Eminent!

Osuji Chima Francis

What do you really know about the current SU Financial Secretary popularly known as Mario?

To some, she's hard working, a role model, a caring heart, a black beauty and an authentic African Queen.

To others however, she's a snub, proud and and stylishly sarcastic.

That's because, Mario means different things to different people!

Here are 13 things you probably didn't know about Mario:

1. Every time, you'll be saying Mario, Mario, Mario. Abeg, her full name is Mashood Bolajoko Maryam. Caveat emptor, Gbam!!!

2. This hot damsel hails from Ilorin West, Kwara state. This one na original daughter of the soil o!

3. She is the only female, and last child of three children.

4. Her business brand is Policies of our Economy.

5. She is a devout Muslim.

6. Now here's the most interesting part for the dudes: she's SINGLE, but not searching o! She's in a serious relationship. Eyah, bad market for some people o!

7. Mario's philosophy of life is: 'money and power are temporary, it's the life of people you have impacted that matters.'

8. Here's her favourite quote: 'kindness is an investment, the higher the risk, the higher the return.'

9. Guess what? Her role model is Aruma Oteh. Can you beat that?

10. Wow! Now we know one of the secrets behind the thickness of this super-lady; her favourite author is Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie. Good thinking good product, right? No wonder!

11. That's not all people! Mario's future ambition is to be a great investment analyst.

12. The most memorable day of her life was the day she got inducted as a Chartered Accountant. No wonder she got the job as SU Financial Secretary. A big kudos to you, babe!

13. Well, the most embarrassing of her life so far was the day she was slandered publicly. Chai! Who could do such a thing to this African goddess. Diariz God oooo.

At UCJ, UNILORIN, we celebrate this jewel of inestimable value and shining example to the womenfolk as she adds another year to her lifespan on earth.

Happy birthday, Mario.

Osuji Chima Francis.

Sunday 28 May 2017

Just last week, news broke of the release of the CBT timetable for continous assessment Test.In this guest post by Bello Rasheed, he tilts our hearts to preparedness towards the upcoming assessment tests. Read on... 

I was showing a friend the recently uploaded provisional CBT Timetable for this semester's tests and the uneasiness on her face shocked me, prompting me to ask her two similar questions:Are you scared because you haven't been studying well, or, are you just nervous realising that you'd soon return to that place called CBT centre??

Alas! Her response was as mystifying as seeing an educated being behaving like a rascal. The main point I got from my brief confab with her is that she is not ready for the assessment. Oops, my mind was filled up with different questions:

Do students ever get ready for exams?? Why have we designed our minds to only wake up when we hear the slogan 'timetable is out'?? If we keep on having this mindset, how then do we want to tackle life's extemporaneous challenges?? Perturbable, I say.

Sadly, but true, the majority of the 21st century students are guilty of this-  whether partially or completely. It's high time we got rid of this poison killing us slowly, if we want to excel. We all must have heard of the saying that "He who fails to plan; plans to fail" Nothing can be more true, because even the smallest of jobs requires a proper preparation!

I agree, to a certain extent, that a lot of unwanted factors could get in the way of our preparation for something, but I strongly frown at the notion that students have or may have excuses for a flawed preparation, or in some common cases, zero preparation. Determination,Commitment, Time-management skill, and Prayers are believed to be some of the recipes for success. A student that possesses these attributes is guaranteed to succeed in whatever he/she does, particularly in examinations.

If your last semester's results were good, be motivated to do better; if otherwise, be equally motivated to study harder and perform better in order to avoid an ugly repetition. Heaven, they say, help those who help themselves. I do not know how real that is, but I do believe that if you follow shortcut to greatness, you will be cut short in the process.

The good news, however, is that it is not too late to get things right. Pick up that book now and do the needful(read). You can surely do better than last semester. Never say never and always believe in yourself.

I want to sincerely wish us all success as we prepare for the challenges ahead. I say gracias for reading to the end.


This piece was written by Enitan. A 100l student of the department of Mathematics, better by far University. He can be reached on
E-mail: bellorasheed154@gmail.com
Phone number: 07030711152.



The call to bar initiation started with the convening of the Student Union Judicial Council inductees by 2:00pm, where the President of the Bar, Mr I.O Apalando, started by calling the names of inductees.

There was the introduction of guests who graced the ceremony by the compere, Abdul-Aziz Muhammed Bashir, who also introduced Judges from different faculties and the Press. He said in his own words that "today is going to be a special day because people are not just being called to the bar but to the Inner bar." He said, for the past 365 days, it has just been Oke Ridwan as the only Senior Advocate of the Union but today more people will be joining in. He gave a quote from someone which says, "the houses of lawyers are roofed with the skins of litigants." Justices and the Registrar of the Student Union Judicial Council were also present.

The august event started with an opening prayer by the Secretary of the Bar, then the singing of the University of Ilorin anthem. Then the introduction of dignitaries of the likes of Mr Habeeb Whyte Ibidapo Esq., Mr Kazeem Ilias Abiodun Esq., Mr Adam  Ndakudu Esq., the Chief Justice of the SU Judicial Council— Kolo-Mamah Joanna, the President of the Bar—Ishaq Obashola Apalando, the SU President Shobowale Lukman Olawale, the Dean of the Faculty of Law duly represented by Dr. Morgan, the SU Senate President—Sen. Imam Abdulquadri, among other Union officials and faculty presidents.

In her welcome address, the Chief Justice of the SU Judicial Council, said, "it is not automatic that everyone who starts a race gets to the finish line." She admonished the inductees by saying that it is not about being called to the bar but making your membership count.

The opening remark was delivered by the President of the Bar where he said that the aim of the Union is to simulate what goes on in the conventional legal practice in the law school. He said there were three (3) pre-call classes for the inductees on criminal litigation, civil litigation, and on Law of evidence, ethics and court mannerisms. They had both the electrical and manual registration processes which the inductees went through and some were disqualified along the line. He ended by saying that the essence of all this is that the Bar is never resting and will never rest.

There was a citation of the guest lecturer by Kwajafa Soyeya, after which, the lecture proper by Mr Habeeb Whyte, commenced. The lecture was on "Little Beginnings" where he said he would be speaking from the bar. He said in his words that, "any big thing in life must start from a particular place." He said, "ask yourselves if you die today what would you be remembered for?" He said he happened to be the first President of the Bar. He gave a story on the "Mango tree." 

According to him, when the mango is green or unripe no one wants it. At that point in life they are not attractive to anyone. That is when no one believes in you and your own believe in yourself and persistency is what is needed.  Now, when the mango is ripe, people climb on themselves just to pluck the ripe mangoes. At this time, they are growing, success is setting in and everybody wants to be friends with them. So they should be careful. He said,  "your dreams will bring you towards persons that you will make it in life with."

At this juncture, the initiation proper of new wigs into the Bar was facilitated by the President of the Bar and the Chief Justice, where 49 inductees were officially called to the Bar. There were also remarks from Mr Kazeem Ilias Abiodun Esq. where he gave a quote from his favourite actor, Harvey Specter, in the movie "Suits" which says that for an advocate, "don't raise your voice, improve on your arguments."  He admonished the inductees to always accept challenges, exchange ideas and have good conversations with people. He submitted at the end of his remark that being in the Student Union Bar is not just a distraction as some persons might say but a necessary distraction.

Conferment of the prestigious title of "Senior Advocate of the Union" was conducted by the Attorney General and the Chief Justice on four persons—Ishaq Apalando, Omotunde John, Olasupo H. Morakinyo, Jimoh Omotayo—who will be joining the Inner Bar.  There werremarks from Mr Adam Ndakudu Esq. where he urged the inductees to be focused (using himself as an example), always have a goal and set their minds towards achieving that goal.

Furthermore, there were a review of court rules by Justice Hibatullahi Khanzullahi, and the unveiling of Court Rules 2017 by Dr. Morgan representing the Dean of the Faculty of Law. He said he was asked by the Dean to congratulate everyone. He then asked the students in Law to be serious and ended by saying that "if you will make it, you will make it."

There were goodwill messages. First by the SU President, where he said, "...of course I'm not a law student but I'm thankful to God for making this event successful." He also said that "Unionism is not limited to the executives alone but to everyone." The next remark was made by the Sub Dean, Student Affairs Unit who said that " When any student is in danger, the Student Union is in danger." He said that this is the only Union with a vibrant judiciary and that those being called to the bar should be role models. The Senate President, Student Union followed suit. He said that they as members of the Senate Union will try as much as possible to work with the other arms of the Union.

The presentation of awards and certificate was anchored by the Chief Justice and the Secretary of the Bar. Certificates of excellence for outstanding performances at the Call to Bar exams were presented to Adeniji Bibiana Adenike and to Olaoba Oluwamayowa by the Student Union Judicial Council in conjunction with the Student Union Bar Association. An award was presented to Mr Kazeem Ilias Esq. for his contributions so far, to Mr Adam Ndakudu Esq., and also to Mr Habeeb Whyte Esq., who dedicated the award to his lovely wife present at the event. He informed the audience about how special the award is to him because he tied the knot with his lovely wife on the 20th of May, 2017.

The vote of thanks was given by the Registrar of the SU Judicial Council. The closing prayer and benediction by the Bailiff, Student Union and the occasion ended with the prestigious University of Ilorin anthem.

Finally, everyone moved outside for the taking of pictures of the inductees, the dignitaries present and friends. With this, the Call to Bar Initiation and Conferment of the Rank of Senior Advocate of The Union 2017, which held on the 27th of May 2017 at the Moot Court, University of Ilorin came to a close.

Eze Glory Chikadibia



The call to bar initiation started with the convening of the Student Union Judicial Council inductees by 2:00pm, where the President of the Bar, Mr I.O Apalando, started by calling the names of inductees.

There was the introduction of guests who graced the ceremony by the compere, Abdul-Aziz Muhammed Bashir, who also introduced Judges from different faculties and the Press. He said in his own words that "today is going to be a special day because people are not just being called to the bar but to the Inner bar." He said, for the past 365 days, it has just been Oke Ridwan as the only Senior Advocate of the Union but today more people will be joining in. He gave a quote from someone which says, "the houses of lawyers are roofed with the skins of litigants." Justices and the Registrar of the Student Union Judicial Council were also present.

The august event started with an opening prayer by the Secretary of the Bar, then the singing of the University of Ilorin anthem. Then the introduction of dignitaries of the likes of Mr Habeeb Whyte Ibidapo Esq., Mr Kazeem Ilias Abiodun Esq., Mr Adam  Ndakudu Esq., the Chief Justice of the SU Judicial Council— Kolo-Mamah Joanna, the President of the Bar—Ishaq Obashola Apalando, the SU President Shobowale Lukman Olawale, the Dean of the Faculty of Law duly represented by Dr. Morgan, the SU Senate President—Sen. Imam Abdulquadri, among other Union officials and faculty presidents.

In her welcome address, the Chief Justice of the SU Judicial Council, said, "it is not automatic that everyone who starts a race gets to the finish line." She admonished the inductees by saying that it is not about being called to the bar but making your membership count.

The opening remark was delivered by the President of the Bar where he said that the aim of the Union is to simulate what goes on in the conventional legal practice in the law school. He said there were three (3) pre-call classes for the inductees on criminal litigation, civil litigation, and on Law of evidence, ethics and court mannerisms. They had both the electrical and manual registration processes which the inductees went through and some were disqualified along the line. He ended by saying that the essence of all this is that the Bar is never resting and will never rest.

There was a citation of the guest lecturer by Kwajafa Soyeya, after which, the lecture proper by Mr Habeeb Whyte, commenced. The lecture was on "Little Beginnings" where he said he would be speaking from the bar. He said in his words that, "any big thing in life must start from a particular place." He said, "ask yourselves if you die today what would you be remembered for?" He said he happened to be the first President of the Bar. He gave a story on the "Mango tree." 

According to him, when the mango is green or unripe no one wants it. At that point in life they are not attractive to anyone. That is when no one believes in you and your own believe in yourself and persistency is what is needed.  Now, when the mango is ripe, people climb on themselves just to pluck the ripe mangoes. At this time, they are growing, success is setting in and everybody wants to be friends with them. So they should be careful. He said,  "your dreams will bring you towards persons that you will make it in life with."

At this juncture, the initiation proper of new wigs into the Bar was facilitated by the President of the Bar and the Chief Justice, where 49 inductees were officially called to the Bar. There were also remarks from Mr Kazeem Ilias Abiodun Esq. where he gave a quote from his favourite actor, Harvey Specter, in the movie "Suits" which says that for an advocate, "don't raise your voice, improve on your arguments."  He admonished the inductees to always accept challenges, exchange ideas and have good conversations with people. He submitted at the end of his remark that being in the Student Union Bar is not just a distraction as some persons might say but a necessary distraction.

Conferment of the prestigious title of "Senior Advocate of the Union" was conducted by the Attorney General and the Chief Justice on four persons—Ishaq Apalando, Omotunde John, Olasupo H. Morakinyo, Jimoh Omotayo—who will be joining the Inner Bar.  There werremarks from Mr Adam Ndakudu Esq. where he urged the inductees to be focused (using himself as an example), always have a goal and set their minds towards achieving that goal.

Furthermore, there were a review of court rules by Justice Hibatullahi Khanzullahi, and the unveiling of Court Rules 2017 by Dr. Morgan representing the Dean of the Faculty of Law. He said he was asked by the Dean to congratulate everyone. He then asked the students in Law to be serious and ended by saying that "if you will make it, you will make it."

There were goodwill messages. First by the SU President, where he said, "...of course I'm not a law student but I'm thankful to God for making this event successful." He also said that "Unionism is not limited to the executives alone but to everyone." The next remark was made by the Sub Dean, Student Affairs Unit who said that " When any student is in danger, the Student Union is in danger." He said that this is the only Union with a vibrant judiciary and that those being called to the bar should be role models. The Senate President, Student Union followed suit. He said that they as members of the Senate Union will try as much as possible to work with the other arms of the Union.

The presentation of awards and certificate was anchored by the Chief Justice and the Secretary of the Bar. Certificates of excellence for outstanding performances at the Call to Bar exams were presented to Adeniji Bibiana Adenike and to Olaoba Oluwamayowa by the Student Union Judicial Council in conjunction with the Student Union Bar Association. An award was presented to Mr Kazeem Ilias Esq. for his contributions so far, to Mr Adam Ndakudu Esq., and also to Mr Habeeb Whyte Esq., who dedicated the award to his lovely wife present at the event. He informed the audience about how special the award is to him because he tied the knot with his lovely wife on the 20th of May, 2017.

The vote of thanks was given by the Registrar of the SU Judicial Council. The closing prayer and benediction by the Bailiff, Student Union and the occasion ended with the prestigious University of Ilorin anthem.

Finally, everyone moved outside for the taking of pictures of the inductees, the dignitaries present and friends. With this, the Call to Bar Initiation and Conferment of the Rank of Senior Advocate of The Union 2017, which held on the 27th of May 2017 at the Moot Court, University of Ilorin came to a close.

Eze Glory Chikadibia



The call to bar initiation started with the convening of the Student Union Judicial Council inductees by 2:00pm, where the President of the Bar, Mr I.O Apalando, started by calling the names of inductees.

There was the introduction of guests who graced the ceremony by the compere, Abdul-Aziz Muhammed Bashir, who also introduced Judges from different faculties and the Press. He said in his own words that "today is going to be a special day because people are not just being called to the bar but to the Inner bar." He said, for the past 365 days, it has just been Oke Ridwan as the only Senior Advocate of the Union but today more people will be joining in. He gave a quote from someone which says, "the houses of lawyers are roofed with the skins of litigants." Justices and the Registrar of the Student Union Judicial Council were also present.

The august event started with an opening prayer by the Secretary of the Bar, then the singing of the University of Ilorin anthem. Then the introduction of dignitaries of the likes of Mr Habeeb Whyte Ibidapo Esq., Mr Kazeem Ilias Abiodun Esq., Mr Adam  Ndakudu Esq., the Chief Justice of the SU Judicial Council— Kolo-Mamah Joanna, the President of the Bar—Ishaq Obashola Apalando, the SU President Shobowale Lukman Olawale, the Dean of the Faculty of Law duly represented by Dr. Morgan, the SU Senate President—Sen. Imam Abdulquadri, among other Union officials and faculty presidents.

In her welcome address, the Chief Justice of the SU Judicial Council, said, "it is not automatic that everyone who starts a race gets to the finish line." She admonished the inductees by saying that it is not about being called to the bar but making your membership count.

The opening remark was delivered by the President of the Bar where he said that the aim of the Union is to simulate what goes on in the conventional legal practice in the law school. He said there were three (3) pre-call classes for the inductees on criminal litigation, civil litigation, and on Law of evidence, ethics and court mannerisms. They had both the electrical and manual registration processes which the inductees went through and some were disqualified along the line. He ended by saying that the essence of all this is that the Bar is never resting and will never rest.

There was a citation of the guest lecturer by Kwajafa Soyeya, after which, the lecture proper by Mr Habeeb Whyte, commenced. The lecture was on "Little Beginnings" where he said he would be speaking from the bar. He said in his words that, "any big thing in life must start from a particular place." He said, "ask yourselves if you die today what would you be remembered for?" He said he happened to be the first President of the Bar. He gave a story on the "Mango tree." 

According to him, when the mango is green or unripe no one wants it. At that point in life they are not attractive to anyone. That is when no one believes in you and your own believe in yourself and persistency is what is needed.  Now, when the mango is ripe, people climb on themselves just to pluck the ripe mangoes. At this time, they are growing, success is setting in and everybody wants to be friends with them. So they should be careful. He said,  "your dreams will bring you towards persons that you will make it in life with."

At this juncture, the initiation proper of new wigs into the Bar was facilitated by the President of the Bar and the Chief Justice, where 49 inductees were officially called to the Bar. There were also remarks from Mr Kazeem Ilias Abiodun Esq. where he gave a quote from his favourite actor, Harvey Specter, in the movie "Suits" which says that for an advocate, "don't raise your voice, improve on your arguments."  He admonished the inductees to always accept challenges, exchange ideas and have good conversations with people. He submitted at the end of his remark that being in the Student Union Bar is not just a distraction as some persons might say but a necessary distraction.

Conferment of the prestigious title of "Senior Advocate of the Union" was conducted by the Attorney General and the Chief Justice on four persons—Ishaq Apalando, Omotunde John, Olasupo H. Morakinyo, Jimoh Omotayo—who will be joining the Inner Bar.  There werremarks from Mr Adam Ndakudu Esq. where he urged the inductees to be focused (using himself as an example), always have a goal and set their minds towards achieving that goal.

Furthermore, there were a review of court rules by Justice Hibatullahi Khanzullahi, and the unveiling of Court Rules 2017 by Dr. Morgan representing the Dean of the Faculty of Law. He said he was asked by the Dean to congratulate everyone. He then asked the students in Law to be serious and ended by saying that "if you will make it, you will make it."

There were goodwill messages. First by the SU President, where he said, "...of course I'm not a law student but I'm thankful to God for making this event successful." He also said that "Unionism is not limited to the executives alone but to everyone." The next remark was made by the Sub Dean, Student Affairs Unit who said that " When any student is in danger, the Student Union is in danger." He said that this is the only Union with a vibrant judiciary and that those being called to the bar should be role models. The Senate President, Student Union followed suit. He said that they as members of the Senate Union will try as much as possible to work with the other arms of the Union.

The presentation of awards and certificate was anchored by the Chief Justice and the Secretary of the Bar. Certificates of excellence for outstanding performances at the Call to Bar exams were presented to Adeniji Bibiana Adenike and to Olaoba Oluwamayowa by the Student Union Judicial Council in conjunction with the Student Union Bar Association. An award was presented to Mr Kazeem Ilias Esq. for his contributions so far, to Mr Adam Ndakudu Esq., and also to Mr Habeeb Whyte Esq., who dedicated the award to his lovely wife present at the event. He informed the audience about how special the award is to him because he tied the knot with his lovely wife on the 20th of May, 2017.

The vote of thanks was given by the Registrar of the SU Judicial Council. The closing prayer and benediction by the Bailiff, Student Union and the occasion ended with the prestigious University of Ilorin anthem.

Finally, everyone moved outside for the taking of pictures of the inductees, the dignitaries present and friends. With this, the Call to Bar Initiation and Conferment of the Rank of Senior Advocate of The Union 2017, which held on the 27th of May 2017 at the Moot Court, University of Ilorin came to a close.

Eze Glory Chikadibia

Saturday 27 May 2017

Call to the Bar of Unilorin Student Union Judicial Council ongoing at the Moot Court, Faculty of Law, University of Ilorin.

Dignitaries such as Mr. Habeeb Whyte Ibidapo Esq., Mr. Adam Ndakudu Esq., the Attorney-General of the Student Union—Mr. Oke Ridwan among others.

More to follow...


Thursday 25 May 2017



👉 You Have No Business with Poverty” says Mr. Nasir.

👉 Unilorin UCJ Set to Commence Her Annual Press Week on 30th May, 2017.

👉 City Boys FC Clinch Unilorin League Title

👉 SU Bar Association to franchise 48 Students on Saturday 27th May.

“You Have No Business with Poverty” says Mr. Nasir.

Yet again, the editorial board of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, University of Ilorin chapter, embarked on a one-day writing workshop to train, groom, and build the students populace through entrepreneurial talks, as well as to bring to their consciousness the social trends that breed revenue in this modern day of job scarcity. This well-attended workshop saw the light of day on Saturday 20th of May at Lecture Theatre I.

This year's edition of the annual workshop honours an alumni of the University of Ilorin, a scholar and a best graduating student of his time, a barrister and a one-time editor in chief of the Union of Campus Journalists. This is Abdullah Muhammad Tosin, a celebrated writer and blogger who now writes for the world top magazines — Forbes Entrepreneurs, USA Today, etc.

Because of this enviable feat attained by a student, the workshop themed “Your Selling Right”, puts participants through edifying speeches and crude counsels from CEOs and established entrepreneurs of our contemporary. The like of Dr. Nasir Abdulqadir (CEO the Positive Image Consult), Mr. Wale Bakare (Digital Marketer), and Mr. Luqman Fasasi (millionaire blogger) were the facilitators of the day.

Speaking to participants during the first session of the workshop, Dr. Nasir asserted that, money is not success but one of the rewards of success.

According to him, the example of successful but poor individuals that lived are some of the holy prophets of God. From London to America to Nigeria...their gospel reached the world while they were long gone, while they were not rich individuals. And if indeed money is the reward of success, then the yahoo boys would have been termed the most successful set on earth.

Being an entrepreneur and a CEO, he urged participants to have the mindset of providing solutions, because that is one of the defining qualities of entrepreneurs.

In his words, “Entrepreneurs don't live a flamboyant lifestyle. In fact, Dangote moved into his personal house in 2011. Bill gate moved to his in 1994.

“Entrepreneurs are not concerned about security. Go to prison if you want Maximum Security! Security is, if you're eating eba today and you're concerned about how to get another eba to eat tomorrow. But the entrepreneur thinks of how he could feed millions of people with the eba he eats.

“Be concerned about emptying your self into the world.”

During the second session of the workshop, Mr. Lukman Fasasi and Mr. Wale Bakare unveiled to participants the essence of having an online presence through a website.

According to them, having an online presence helps you to share information, create a brand for your product, make lawful earnings through various means such as affiliate marketing, Google ads, buying and selling, etc.

They urge participants that it is best for them to start searching for something to do now and not after graduating from the university. Citing himself as an example, Mr. Luqman said “I've graduated from OAU but I don't know if I'd collect my certificate.”

Unilorin UCJ Set to Commence Her Annual Press Week on 30th May, 2017.

One of the University of Ilorin foremost media house, the Union of Campus Journalists, presents another edition of her annual press week programme. And this time, it is in honour of Alhaji Abdulfatai Dan Kassim, with the theme, “Sociojournalism: the future of journalism”.

This week-long event formally opens on the May 30, 2017, at the Communication and Information Science lecture theatre. The guest speaker remains Dr Mrs Abdulbaqi.

Other guest speakers include: the National Union of Journalists Chairman of Kwara State, Mr Abiodun Abdulkarim; Sub-dean faculty of CIS, Dr L.A Aziz; the Director, Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, Dr. Mahfouz Adedimeji.

City Boys FC Clinch Unilorin League Title

The City Boys FC of the University of Ilorin football league have emerged victor at the just concluded maiden edition of the Unilorin League, which started since November last year.
This thrilling season that kicked off on Friday, 16 November 2016, having ten teams struggle for the trophy, ended last Friday, 19 May 2017, with a glamorous feat from the City Boys FC.

A grand prize of hundred thousands Naira was awarded to City Boys FC, the overall winner of the tournament. The first runner up got sixty thousand Naira, while the second and third runners-up went home with fifty thousand and forty thousand respectively.

The Sport Director of the Student Union, Comr. i-ZUBAIR via his Facebook page expressed delight at the turn of events. He said, “We were told that it won't last long. Alhamdulilah for Allah's favour and grace. We were not distracted by their words at all. The 2016/17 season is gone. Insha Allah Unilorin League will continue.”

SU Bar Association to franchise 48 Students on Saturday May 27th

The Judicial Council of the Students Union in collaboration with the Student Union Bar Association has finalised plans to welcome her new intakes into the realm of legal activities on campus come 27 May 2017 at the Moot court of the faculty of Law, University of Ilorin.

The ceremony is slated to commence at 2:00 PM with a lecture on the topic, “Little beginnings”.

This year's ceremony would bear the call to the Student Union Bar, forty eight students out of the a fifty three that applied and sat for the screening examination — that took place on 16 May 2017.

Honouring this occasion are Legal Practitioners from Lagos, Ilorin, and Ogun state. The special guests of honour, include Oluseye Thompson, Habeeb Whyte, Adams Ndakudun, and Kazeem Ilias.

Forthcoming Event:

👉 UCJ/NUESA Free Certificate Training Workshop on Writing & Digital Skills.

👉 MSSN Unilorin Jihad Week Programme

👉 Launching of UCJist Newsletter

Ongoing Event:

👉Unilorin Inter-Faculty Quiz Competition.

Join us next week for yet another round of our scintillating reportage.

You can equally take advantage of our vast readership base to place adverts of your brands and services at unbeatable prices.

For feedback and enquiries, like our facebook page: http://m.facebook.com/UnilorinUCJ/

Follow us on:
IG: @ucj,Unilorin.

Better still, you can shoot us an email: ucjessays@gmail.com

Or Call:📞

Muhammad Basheer Ishola (President): 07032180271
Osuji Chima (V.P. Editorial): 08036543643
Prof. Karimous: 08168848497
Bello Adoto Hussein: 08062300927
Rabbi Joyce: 07032761550
Nana Bee: 08189411563

Residents of Zamfara Hostel of the University of Ilorin, under the leadership of Senator Munirat Yahya, have done what Napoleon could not do. Rather than focusing on their own insatiable needs alone, they have decided to reach out to children at the orphanage within the Ilorin metropolis and beyond.

This remarkable events were held at the Children Reception Center, Pipeline (Ilorin), and the Hope Orphanage at Idofian, Kwara state, respectively.

In a bid to know the rationale behind the outing, UCJ UNILORIN was informed by the Hall Representative, Senator Munirat Yahya, who had this to say:

"At the inception of the session, there was an idea of 'giving back to the society' this proposal is with the rationale that there are some persons out there whom are not as privileged as us in terms of freedom. It is that every month, the residents of the hostel would donate relief materials to cover the orphanage home, hospitals, public primary school,  juvenile prisons,  prisons and destitute on the street. A donation box was made to that effect and students voluntarily donate as they wish." 

"This month, we decided to visit both the children reception center at pipeline and the hope orphanage at Idofian...This was done with all residents Donating all varieties of provisions, relief materials and cash. We didn't stop at the orphanages, our hostel workers also benefited."

According to Sen. Munirat, gift items such as milk, biscuit, sweets, pencils, books, shoes, clothes, food stuffs, soaps, drinks and other relief products were among the things presented to the orphaned children.

Furthermore, the Head Officer at the Children Reception Center, Mr. Taiye Ikupaolati, informed that clubs, departments and organisations have always been the ones visiting the Center but Zamfara hostel would be the first hall of residence to reach out to the children at the Center.

Mr. Taiye termed the action by residents of Zamfara hostel as "a good heart contribution from students" in spite of the current economic downturn in Nigeria.

Meanwhile, during their visit at the Hope Orphanage, the kids were said to be happy and hovered around their visitors—a sign that indicated how happy they were. Many thanks to Zamfara Hostel, Unilorin.

As a token of the hostel's contribution to humanity, UCJ UNILORIN also learnt from the Hall Rep that the exercise will continue next week. This time around, however, the target audience to benefit from the philanthropic gesture are fifty (50) destitute on the streets of Ilorin, Kwara state. 

Osuji Chima Francis



👉 You Have No Business with Poverty” says Dr. Nasir.

👉 Unilorin UCJ Commences Her Press Week on 30th of this Month

👉 City Boys FC Clinches Unilorin League Title

👉 SU Bar Association to franchise 48 Students on Saturday 27th May.

“You Have No Business with Poverty” says Dr. Nasir.

Yet again, the editorial board of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, University of Ilorin chapter, embarked on a one-day writing workshop to train, groom, and build the students populace through entrepreneurial talks, as well as to bring to their consciousness the social trends that breed revenue in this modern day of job scarcity. This well-attended workshop saw the light of day on Saturday 20th of May at Lecture Theatre I.

This year's edition of the annual workshop honours an alumni of the University of Ilorin, a scholar and a best graduating student of his time, a barrister and a one-time editor in chief of the Union of Campus Journalists. This is Abdullah Muhammad Tosin, a celebrated writer and blogger who now writes for the world top magazines — Forbes Entrepreneurs, USA Today, etc.

Because of this enviable feat attained by a student, the workshop themed “Your Selling Right”, puts participants through edifying speeches and crude counsels from CEOs and established entrepreneurs of our contemporary. The like of Dr. Nasir Abdulqadir (CEO the Positive Image Consult), Mr. Wale Bakare (Digital Marketer), and Mr. Luqman Fasasi (millionaire blogger) were the facilitators of the day.

Speaking to participants during the first session of the workshop, Dr. Nasir asserted that, money is not success but one of the rewards of success.

According to him, the example of successful but poor individuals that lived are some of the holy prophets of God. From London to America to Nigeria...their gospel reached the world while they were long gone, while they were not rich individuals. And if indeed money is the reward of success, then the yahoo boys would have been termed the most successful set on earth.

Being an entrepreneur and a CEO, he urged participants to have the mindset of providing solutions, because that is one of the defining qualities of entrepreneurs.

In his words, “Entrepreneurs don't live a flamboyant lifestyle. In fact, Dangote moved into his personal house in 2011. Bill gate moved to his in 1994.

“Entrepreneurs are not concerned about security. Go to prison if you want Maximum Security! Security is, if you're eating eba today and you're concerned about how to get another eba to eat tomorrow. But the entrepreneur thinks of how he could feed millions of people with the eba he eats.

“Be concerned about emptying your self into the world.”

During the second session of the workshop, Mr. Lukman Fasasi and Mr. Wale Bakare unveiled to participants the essence of having an online presence through a website.

According to them, having an online presence helps you to share information, create a brand for your product, make lawful earnings through various means such as affiliate marketing, Google ads, buying and selling, etc.

They urge participants that it is best for them to start searching for something to do now and not after graduating from the university. Citing himself as an example, Mr. Luqman said “I've graduated from OAU but I don't know if I'd collect my certificate.”

Unilorin UCJ Commences Her Press Week on 30th of this Month

One of the University of Ilorin foremost media house, the Union of Campus Journalists, presents another edition of her annual press week programme. And this time, it is in honour of Alhaji Abdulfatai Dan Kassim, with the theme, “Sociojournalism: the future of journalism”.

This week-long event formally opens on the May 30, 2017, at the Communication and Information Science lecture theatre. The guest speaker remains Dr Mrs Abdulbaqi.

Other guest speakers include: the National Union of Journalists Chairman of Kwara State, Mr Abiodun Abdulkarim; Sub-dean faculty of CIS, Dr L.A Aziz; the Director, Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, Dr. Mahfouz Adedimeji.

City Boys FC Clinches Unilorin League Title

The City Boys FC of the University of Ilorin football league has emerged victor at the just concluded maiden edition of the Unilorin League, which started since November last year.
This thrilling season that kicked off on Friday, 16 November 2016, having thirteen teams struggle for the trophy, ended last Friday, 19 May 2017, with a glamorous feat from the City Boys FC.

A grand prize of hundred thousands Naira was awarded to City Boys FC, the overall winner of the tournament. The first runner up got sixty thousand Naira, while the second and third runners-up went home with fifty thousand and forty thousand respectively.

The Sport Director of the Student Union, Comr. i-ZUBAIR via his Facebook page expressed delight at the turn of events. He said, “We were told that it won't last long. Alhamdulilah for Allah's favour and grace. We were not distracted by their words at all. The 2016/17 season is gone. Insha Allah Unilorin League will continue.”

SU Bar Association to franchise 48 Students on Saturday May 27th

The Judicial Council of the Students Union in collaboration with the Student Union Bar Association has finalised plans to welcome her new intakes into the realm of legal activities on campus come 27 May 2017 at the Moot court of the faculty of Law, University of Ilorin.

The ceremony is slated to commence at 2:00 PM with a lecture on the topic, “Little beginnings”.

This year's ceremony would bear the call to the Student Union Bar, forty eight students out of the a fifty three that applied and sat for the screening examination — that took place on 16 May 2017.

Honouring this occasion are Legal Practitioners from Lagos, Ilorin, and Ogun state. The special guests of honour, include Oluseye Thompson, Habeeb Whyte, Adams Ndakudun, and Kazeem Ilias.

Forthcoming Event:

👉 UCJ/NUESA Free Certificate Training Workshop on Writing & Digital Skills.

👉 MSSN Unilorin Jihad Week Programme

👉 Launching of UCJist Newsletter

Ongoing Event:

👉Unilorin Inter-Faculty Quiz Competition.

Join us next week for yet another round of our scintillating reportage.

You can equally take advantage of our vast readership base to place adverts of your brands and services at unbeatable prices.

For feedback and enquiries, like our facebook page: http://m.facebook.com/UnilorinUCJ/

Follow us on:
IG: @ucj,Unilorin.

Better still, you can shoot us an email: ucjessays@gmail.com

Or Call:📞

Muhammad Basheer Ishola (President): 07032180271
Osuji Chima (V.P. Editorial): 08036543643
Bello Adoto Hussein: 08062300927
Rabbi Joyce: 07032761550
Nana Bee: 08189411563

Monday 22 May 2017


"To be forewarned is to be forearmed—Jupiter cares. A stitch in time saves nine—Cosmos admonishes. Love your neighbour as yourself—Zeus writes. The sailor who knows not what harbour he seeks, any wind is the right direction—Hercules instructs."

Literally and figuratively, the rains are here. Even though the rain semester is deep into the middle; welcome to rain semester!

By now, virtually every student of the Better By Far University of Ilorin should be acquainted with good morning, good midday, good afternoon and sleep beautifully well messages from names that were almost inconsequential in the harmattan semester. The rains are welcoming you!

It is a practice, convention, norm that has become a part of the University community that second (rain) semester is the semester of greetings, deserving or not. You wake up in the morning to various greeting messages from different persons and you start to wonder if there is a ‘learning in character’ class that happens only in the second semester.

From the school gate, to parks, faculties, departments, and classrooms you are greeted by banners, posters, and insignias advising you on how to live your day, how to be creative about it, and how to stay out of trouble. The greetings and well-wishing sometimes get exhilarating that you start to develop hatred for anything in print; and for social media platforms that become flooded with these greetings.

The rains do not leave it there; they proceed to the physical realm with you. You could be course-mate with a person for two sessions and not as much hear a rumbling of ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ from them, but watch out; you might be surprised at the extensive downpour of courtesy that would flow in this semester. You become an automatic comrade, an honourable, a boss, and in funnier situations, a commander. Be lucky enough to know one in every ten people around and you’ll be met with extra pleasantries; you’re the newest stakeholder turned shareholder in the ‘greetings corporation.’

You shouldn’t be surprised when a seemingly familiar yet hard to place face becomes your acquaintance in your short journey to and off campus. The moment you show a slight interest in whatever topic such person brings up; usually political, you become a subscribed member to the daily salutation committee, and all he needs to seal the friendship is your contact.

These are practices that pervade the University’s atmosphere in the second semester. The sugar coating that could lead to diabetes, the salutation that makes you feel like an Ife king, and the surprising handshakes and hugs that throw you off balance. Students who have spent as much as a session in the University will find it easy to identify these people and their show of courtesy. But it wouldn’t be unethical if we tell you that “the rains are here.”

Politics should be borne out of sacrifice, skill and capacity, but sadly politicians from an intelligent root as the University community premise their politics and play of power on who greets the most. Oftentimes, most of these people are ordinarily lacking in interpersonal relationships, skill, and the only sacrifice they’re willing to bear is that of the broadcast messages they send. They become early risers to sending broadcasts instead of rising to learn about the polity, they pick the bag of courtesy that has been dumped in Okeodo and let it rain on fellow students to one end, “VOTE ME.”

Not to deny that there are quite a few who play their cards right and start using their jokers from the beginning of the session.
The rains become sudden ambassadors of other students, they become activists for ensuring the welfare of students, they start to tackle the powers that be, diplomatically and politically, showing a façade of supposed students’ rights, and loyalty to the same power they claim to tackle.

They elevate from sugar coating to honey lacing, they start to canvass for more vehicles, better hostels, and more oxygen. Ask them to show a history of past student-oriented movements, talks, and broadcasts, and you see zilch, in most cases, and in a selected few, you see a makeup of abandoned tasks that were facially beautified initially.

Members of the Union should prepare their minds for the coming of the political rain that will run through the stream of election. They’ll come in different shades and forms; forms and sizes. They’ll throw pebble of words at you, and freeze your heart with promises. They’ll flood your minds with impossible tasks and welcome you to their shelter, until the elections are over.

Then you stop knowing yourselves; in most cases. You greet them then and they’re too busy to reply. They’re focused on delivering promises they have almost no idea about its execution—in most known cases.

Keep open eyes at all times. Do not be swayed by their chocolate promises and greetings. Do not be bought by good morning greetings and quotes. If you need to be motivated daily, get quote generating apps. We should endeavour to strive to separate the chaff from the grains. We should not be flooded by the rains. The rains are here again.

This write-up is an editorial of the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ), University of Ilorin Chapter, Kwara state.

For feedback, inquiries, and suggestions, you can send us an email on: ucjessays@gmail.com, and ucjeditorial@gmail.com


Call the Editor-in-Chief on 📞08036543643.

You can follow our Twitter handle: @ucjunilorin

Or like our Facebook page: http://m.facebook.com/UnilorinUCJ/

Sunday 21 May 2017

Sir Oke Ridwan, Senior Advocate of the Union, Attorney General of the Union, President of Unilorin Rotaract Club, among other multiple leadership positions this humble youth holds, has just been conferred with a National Merit Award by the Nigeria Rotaract Multidistrict Information's Organisation.

UCJ UNILORIN gathered that the event is an annual routine by the organisation for Rotaractors across Nigeria who have distinguished themselves in humanitarian service.

Rtr. Oke Ridwan was conferred with the award at the All Nigeria Rotaractors Conference (also known as NIGEROTA), Umuahia, Abia state. The event lasted from 18th to 21st May, 2017.

Osuji Chima Francis

Occupants of female Lagos hostel have lamented that they now live their lives in fear and intense caution. This lamentation is as a result of the incessant cases of theft recorded every semester in the school calendar year.

Ms. Aisha Sanni, an occupant of Room B12, is the recent victim of this condemnable act. Her valuables including an iPhone that belongs to her friend were lost to the devilish act of the culprit.

Ms Aisha narrates her ordeal to UCJ UNILORIN on how the incidence occurred.

In her words, "we woke up early in the morning and discovered that our phones were stolen. It happened on Friday 12th of May. The phones stolen included, a unilorin tab, a blackberry and an iPhone. The iPhone doesn't belong to me, I was supposed to return it earlier that day."

From an interview with one of the occupants of the room, UCJ UNILORIN gathered that the thief barged into the room through the back door which was supposedly closed and also exited through the same medium.

The incidence of 12th May led to several accounts by other occupants of the female Lagos hostel.

One of them lamented saying, "We live our lives in fear!" UCJ UNILORIN was able to collate the following accounts:

"I just kept my 'ponmo' (cow skin) inside my wardrobe like I don't used to open it like that, but I noticed that when I wanted to use the ponmo (cow skin); I just saw about five out of twenty"

"A lady in another hall who sells recharge cards was robbed of both her recharge cards and money one fateful morning"

Another student who lamented of attempted theft in her block as their nets were cut but fortunately for them, nothing was stolen. And some other notorious scenarios both in this semester and last semester include that of laptop, shirts, shoes (heels) etc.

These occupants who claimed they don't know the brain(s) behind these theft phenomenon, are making a clarion call via the UCJ with the hope that a solution be proffered by the school management as soon as possible.

Sule Rabbi Joy(Joyce)

"If you have not started to plan for now, ten years ago, then it's not over. You can start now. So GO! GO!!  GO!!! "

Those were the parting words of Muhammed Abdullahi Tosin, the honoree of this year's Writing workshop themed "Your selling right". Beaming the light down Memory Lane, Mr. Abdullah took the audience through his struggle to attain the feat he has achieved so far. "I started my writing sojourn with a Nokia 2800 phone. I will type my essays there and then have to transfer to a PC when necessary.

My first ever essay entry was organized by MSSN. I was in 100L back then. It took the efforts of Akinde AbdulHafiz to submit my entry. Lo! And behold, I emerged second." He further stated that he went ahead to start his own blog and never earned a dime from it for two years. This he said was because of the burning passion from within him. He warned those who want to make money from writing from the outset to take their mind off such thoughts. He urged them to be ready to pay the price of consistency before aiming for the monetary prize.

Today, Mr. Muhammed has risen amongst the ranks of writers on the global scene. A feat that now sees him write for the Worlds' famous FORBES magazine on weekly basis. He's also the founder of Naija writers Coach and OxygenMAT Ltd.

Mr Muhammed is a graduate from the faculty of Law, University of Ilorin. He graduated with First Class degree (one of many few). During his days as undergraduate, he was a member of the Union of Campus Journalists and rose to the rank of Vice President Editorial. He is happily married to his beloved wife.

Muhammad Basheer Ishola
UCJ, Unilorin.

UCJ UNILORIN can confirm that the legislative arm of the National Association of Osun State Students (NAOSS), University of Ilorin chapter, has been reinstituted after it had dissolved itself over an internal fracas between the Senate Council and the Executive Council.

It could be recalled that the entire members of the NAOSS Senate Council had resigned from their duty post over what it described as "the vicious and unwanted attitude of the executive council led by Adebisi M.A. popularly known as HAYORNEX..."

This was made known via a press release by the reinstated Senate Council tagged "The Final Verdict," of which a copy was made available to UCJ UNILORIN by the NAOSS Senate Council.

In their words, "...this resignation was welcomed and jointly approved by all honourable members of this just defunct senate council as a result of the vicious and unwanted attitude of the executive council led by ADEBISI M.A. popularly known as HAYORNEX towards the senate council..."

The Council further stated reasons for its collective decision based on "the claim of the CEC that they do not recognize the senate council, a clamor from the CEC purporting a replacement for all principal officers of the Senate Council, the inability of the incumbent President to assent to the association constitution which was reviewed as at the last administration," among others.

However, in a phone call with a NAOSS stakeholder, Comrade Olasupo Abideen—the immediate past president of the organisation—UCJ UNILORIN can confirm that the imbroglio has been resolved amicably with the House back on board.

The peaceful resolution was followed by a letter of appreciation by the NAOSS President where he thanked all and sundry for playing active role in the conflict resolution process.

In his words:

"All glory and adoration to Almighty God the Alpha and Omega of my life.
I give thanks to my parents for proper upbringing from womb till now and also to my brothers and sisters (Ojuolape, Tayo, Shola, Titi, Adewale, Temitope and others) for making my day a sweet one. My appreciation also goes to my friends like no other (Temidayo, Abidemi, Okiki, Fisayo, Taiwo Adetolla, Ayodeji, Shola, Olaide, just to mention a few)   also to my co hostelites (Temilade, Mr Dan, Kofo and others).
My day wouldn't have been as sweet as it was if not for my NAOSS Unilorin Chapter family starting from my Predecessor (Alagba Olasupo Abideen Opeyemi—Mr Google), My VP,Fin Sec,Welfare ,AGS and other executives,the NAOSS Speaker UNILORIN Chapter and other senators, Mr Pappy J, Gidbis, Mr Calculus,Mr Ayoade and all other Naossites (Thanks so much). Also the NAOSS National Headquarter  and the UniAbuja NAOSS President(My birthday mate),NAOSS Eksu President, NAOSS Kwara Poly President and others..."

Osuji Chima Francis


The first of its kind in the history of Nigerian University, the UNILORIN LEAGUE which kick-started Friday, 18th of November 2016 came to an end on Friday 19th of May 2017.

The first season of the league was thrilling and closely contested with City Boys FC winning the league and H-High FC coming 4 point shot behind the league winners.

The Sport Director of the SU, Comr. I-ZUBAIR via his FB page expressed himself saying "We were told that it won't last long. Alhamdulilah for Allah's favour and grace. We were not distracted by their words at all, 2016/17 season is gone. Insha Allah Unilorin League will continue."

The maiden season is over and just like FIFA WORLD CUP started with 13 teams we hope to see a bigger and better UNILORIN LEAGUE come next season.

The league highest goal scorer award goes to Mr. Awwal of City Boys. The first, second , third and fourth on the log are been rewarded with 100k,60,50 and 40k respectively.

Akeukanwo Sulaiman Abiodun Al-Qalam


Saturday 20 May 2017

UCJ: Can we know your name sir?

OK. My names are Shonaya Adewale Tosin but I'm popularly known as Junny.

UCJ: Mr Junny, recently there was a case of Laptop theft. We heard your laptop was allegedly stolen by a member of the faculty of Law and it got viral and everyone got to hear about it. Can you tell us your own perspective of the whole story. What really happened, what transpired and why you think that the particular suspect stole your laptop?

Junny: It happened on Monday. I can't remember the date. I think that should be either 15th or 16th. I can't remember the date. At the Faculty of Law Library, the E-section. Actually, it's a known thing that non-law students are not allowed into the faculty of Law library. So, all of us that were inside the library were all law students. So that particular day, I went to charge my system in the library because it is a normal thing for us to charge our stuffs there and go and come back and meet our stuffs there. I went to charge my system in the library. It was around 3pm or so. When I want to charge, I didn't see space. Then, this alleged suspect actually told me to charge beside him and I did so. Then later on, I went downstairs to pick some stuffs or to do some stuffs. Before I came back, I didn't meet my system. I only met the charger. The reason why I believe that person who I suspected to be the one to have taken the system was because:
First, when I got back to where I was charging my system, that person that was present before I left was still there apart from this suspected person. Second, when I got there and I didn't find him, we called his number but it was switched off and that was when I got to realise that this same person has had series of theft issues. That he was even caught last semester when he stole a faculty of Law student's laptop. And this is my future in the school. This is my 4th year in the school. Since 100level, I have been keeping my things in the library. We go for lectures, we come back and still meet out things there. Even that said morning, I left my system in the library. I went to the bank—from the bank, I went to register for GNS 312. I came back and I met my system. Sometimes, they have even locked my system like twice or thrice in the library and I came back and found my system in the library. So the library is a very very safe place to keep your things and you will meet them. So how come it was that day he was sitting down beside me and when I came back, I didn't meet him again. Furthermore, people that were around—law students...said he was acting suspiciously. He said he was going home, he left and came back again. When he was leaving, he had something wrapped in his suit and he left. Immediately I got to the library and found out that my system was not in the library, I quickly ran to the librarian to ask if they had taken the system because sometimes they seize our gadgets because we are charging in a wrong place. When I asked, they said they didn't take it that if my system is missing, it will be among my colleagues because no student of any other faculty entered the library. Every other person I left there was there. It was later they told me of his past acts and precedents. I tried his number, it was switched off. I immediately had to send a broadcast message on anybody who knows where his hostel is. Fortunately, I got someone, the person that wants to take me to his hostel. This person was even someone that found out about the last theft issue where the alleged person stole a system in the school hostel—Lagos Boys Hostel. It was this guy (that volunteered to take me to his place) and some other people that went to his (alleged) hostel off-campus then and found a system in his bag. So I went to meet the guy who took me to the alleged person's place. When we got to his place, he was not around. He didn't sleep over and we tried to contact him, but all in vain. So everything just falls on him. Faculty of Law library, everything is safe. The system can not just evaporate like that. Even those that were there will attest to it. He was just moving around in the library. That's the reason why we are suspecting him.

UCJ: So, apart from going to his house, what other step did you take?

Junny: At first, the first thing that came to my mind was going to his place. So when I got to his place and did not see him, it was in the evening. It happened around 6pm/7pm. From his place I went back to my hostel. The following morning, I came to school around 8am/9am to report the issue in the faculty since it happened in the faculty because I thought the faculty might do something about it. The faculty directed me to go to Security Division. I made my claim and told them I have a suspect. So they asked me if I can contact him but I told them I can't. That I went to his hostel, he didn't sleep over in his hostel. So they (security unit) told me to find a link to contact him or if I see him, I should bring him over to the security post. That was all.

UCJ: So far, have you been able to see him or taken any other step in getting your system back?

Junny: Yes, the Tuesday I went to the security post, he didn't come to school. So on Wednesday morning, I saw him in school. Then we spoke and I asked him if he took my system, he said "No". So I told him to let us go to the security post because I have been told that whenever you come around, I should bring you over. So I took him to the security post. I wrote my statement, he wrote his statement. It was very funny when I got there. They were like, "This boy again". It dawned on me that this guy has had series of cases at the security post. They were even convinced already by merely seeing him. They alleged him to have had cases with them before and he doesn't want to change. He kept on denying and denying that he did nothing. And that was all.

UCJ: Apart from writing your statement, what step has the school taken in order for you to recover your system back?

Junny: Right now, there's not really been anything. The only thing that happened at the security post was that we were been asked to write our statements. That they will transfer the case to SDC - Student Disciplinary Committee. That's all I heard from them. Nothing else again.

Akinyemi Muhammed

Credit to:

Heritage for the transcription, and to Olamide for coordination.