Saturday 13 May 2017

Memories of the Heroes (Episode I)

Ishola Abdul Wãsi’ Ayodele (aka Ellipsis) is a brilliant poet and a fantastic fictional writer. He is one of the very few poetic wizards I so much revere. You would understand better the enormity of his talent and creative instinct pondering his pen name – Ellipsis. Ellipsis became a pen-pusher in 2013, during his second year on campus. He is the present General Secretary of the Union of Campus Journalists.

The first poem in this series is dedicated to him. It is a memory of a nice night we spent together thinking the happenings of life.

To My Beloved Alter Ego, ELLIPSIS, whose elliptical pen never stops pulsating.

When I Meet You Again…

A million thoughts floods my fragile heart;
A thousand words awaits silently unspoken,
About that special night;
I shall tell them to you when I meet you again…

The heavenly lamp illumined the stage
The benign breeze soothed our souls
Every twinkle in our eyes sparkled like little stars
Our minds coalesced; a unity emerged from duality
The formidable force carved from two broke all barriers and,
Conversation rose to the Psychic realm
Telepathy came to our beck and call;
Hellipsiis, called out my soul
Herudite, softly replied your own

We conversed, and conversed deep;
Every breath blew like a wave, as every blink said a throb
Every moment counted, and every hour was golden

With ample glee, we gazed at the Stars;
The constellation rewarded us and brightened our Minds
We discussed Zodiacs and Birthstones;
While Sapphire furnished clear our thoughts,
Torapez shone brilliantly and dazzled us
This throb of my Heart I shall tell to you,
When I meet you again.

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