Wednesday 17 May 2017

A Reliable Source Speaks on Unilorin PFA Fire Disaster.

What would have resulted in a total monumental loss in a section of one of the liveliest, cherishable and sacred buildings of the Faculty of Arts -the Performing Arts Theatre, University of Ilorin, was put under control with the prompt intervention by some brave students of the department and of course the ever brave University Fire Service men.

The fire incidence occurred at about twelve midnight on the the 17th of May, 2017. Specifically, the genesis of the whole incident is traced down to the main electrical box at the entrance of the music studio just directly opposite to the main entrance of the theatre.

In a mini chat with a reliable source (name undisclosed), further unveiled the cause of the fire: "In simple words, the fire was triggered by a spark which resulted to the ignition of the fire through the melting of wires... Of course, from the main switchboard to the sockets then gadgets in the studio and then outside the studio.. All these led to the flames, that's all I know for now," the source disclosed.

Parts of the beautifully painted walls of the theatre have been turned black with a lot of expensive gadgets damaged like the big public address system especially the black speakers burnt in a slight measure. Some of the glass windows were damaged due to the direct exposure to the heat and flames. The whole electric system has been badly affected due to the incidence and are all due for renovation and critical repairs.

UCJ UNILORIN gathered that all hands were on deck—both the academic and non academic staff of the department—to make sure right actions were carried out excellently.

Furthermore, a van of the Kwara State Fire service was seen at work in the early hours of the morning. In addition, the University fire service men were also on ground. The university security men made sure the environment was safe and the venue of the incidence was kept restricted from unnecessary spectators.

However, UCJ UNILORIN gathered that the incidence did not affect the academic schedules and classes for the day.

Bamigbaye Jesuloni

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