Wednesday 10 May 2017


“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln.

The university community of the probitas doctrina university, UNILORIN, was set to a questioning atmosphere on Wednesday May, 3rd when the Student Union Media Officials Media Chat was held at LT1. Officials of the Union came to present a stewardship report of their activities in office so far, and to torch and touch intending programs outlined for the rest of the session. An impressive number of UNILORIN students—including pregnant women—stayed around for hours to witness the media chat, even as it was disappointingly started about three hours behind schedule.

The panelists took rounds in relaying questions to the officials to which they answered promptly. Shortly into the program, the absence of the Social Secretary, MC Peperempe was brought to the notice of the other officers present, of which they replied in different tongues, some saying he was coming, some saying they didn’t know of his whereabouts. What was in unison in their utterances was that “he was coming.”

The program continued while congressmen waited for the Social Secretary to arrive. Students were interested in knowing what plans were on ground for the annual Student Union Week, and more importantly, the Student Union Dinner and award night. It is more important because the past occupant of his office was suspended due to misappropriation and lack of proper coordination for the past dinner and congressmen were particularly interested in knowing what prudent plans he had, in forestalling a repeat of such disgraceful act.

It is worthy of note that the President of the Union, Comr. Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent) was not medically fit, yet attended the Media chat, alongside other officers who were busy, yet understood that their call to service superseded their self interests.

Few minutes towards the end of the media chat, the Social Secretary decided to do his ‘turning up’ to the chat. When he settled down and was giving a chance to explain himself as to his whereabouts, he said he was on Union duty, running a commentary for the Union, before attending to a talent show in his faculty, which both impeded his coming.

Given the raw facts the way they are, it should be noted that prior to Mr. Peperempe's late arrival, not even the President could assuredly state before the panel and congressmen as to the location of the man who claimed he was running Union duties. Congressmen have been fair enough in waiting for him to come and explain his lateness, but Mr. Peperempe decides to make a folly out of our patience, by giving trifling excuses like ‘running commentary,’ when running your office, and the interest of the majority was more paramount.

If truly the ‘Social Secretary’ was running Union activities by running commentaries, why weren’t other members of the SU Central Executive Council aware? Why was the man in charge of the sporting event (i-Zubair) present at the SU media chat from the beginning to the end?

Another very important question to be asked is, amongst the over twenty thousand students on the Unilorin campus, was the social director the only qualified person to run such commentary? Why couldn’t he delegate that function so as to be available for the chat? He also made as an excuse that he was at the talent show of his Faculty, being a member of the faculty and also the Social Secretary.

Questions that Mr. Peperempe should answer are: why should the interest of a few be placed over and above the interest of many? As the Social Secretary, he has a Social Committee, why didn’t he delegate someone in the committee to attend to the show instead? We are all aware of the fact that each faculty has its Social Secretary, and each Social Secretary being armed with a social committee, why then was the Social Secretary making himself present at that talent show by compulsion, when there are more important things left to be discussed? Is it no longer the norm that where there's a clash between a Union program and those of faculties, that of the Union prevails?

The Social Secretary action wasn’t just an insult to the multitude of people who elected him into office, but also a slap to the face of the ‘determination unshakeable’ administration. It's quite saddening that stakeholders within the Union are somewhat shielding this act of indiscipline by Mr. Peperempe in a systematic fashion.

In a further investigation by the UCJ to know where the Social Secretary really was at, while the media chat was ongoing, it was revealed that he was having a good time at a concert. On the 3rd of May, two very well publicised events were happening on campus, first being the media chat, and the second one being M’Kido Live in Concert (MLIC). One would have to be totally out of reach of information to not know about both events. In the clash between affairs of state and fun, large percentages of Unilorites either sacrificed fun to be at the media chat, or stay briefly at the fun house, before joining other congressmen at LT1 for the media chat.

In a one on one interview with the producer of MLIC, Mr Kenneth Wright, light was innocently shed on why Peperempe was absent from the chat in the early hours. The producer in the interview had said, “…popular comedians like MC Sambisa was there. MC Peperempe was there…Who else, who else… in fact, a lot of people…” At the later part of the interview, the producer also revealed that the Social Secretary was not only there as an special guest for the later part of the show, but was in fact an integral part of the planning. He is recorded saying, “….when I got to the hall at about 1pm, emm…I met Peperenpe not too long after I got into the hall. He was there talking about stage directions. He was there to advise. In fact, he was part of the underground planning and everything. He was there, he was also there when the event started…”

The Social Secretary, on getting to the media chat, had made no reference to his being available at MLIC. We wouldn’t have batted an eyelid if it was an ordinary congressman who had been absent, but this was the Social Secretary who had important role to play in the Union’s activities. The said officer who ought to issue an apology had only graced the event seeking the pity of congressmen whom he had been dishonest with.

Few days ago, a congressman wrote a petition to the Senate Council of the Union calling for the suspension of the SU Social Secretary over what he termed placing personal interest over and above the Union's interest. Alas, the Council had struck out the petition, saying it wasn’t appropriately concluded in the closing prayer as required by law.

If the winds of change will blow, and blow so as to reflect positive, unshakeable change, it has to start from here, and it has to start now. The Senate Council has a duty to act, in stead of constituent members in watching and moderating the action of the Central Executive Council. It would seem like the Senate Council has folded its arms on the issue but we would like to think otherwise to that effect. Folding of arms on a case of indiscipline is not a good pointer for honest legislative business.

The person who folds his arms and turns a blind eye when bad things are happening has subtly given assent to such. When such a person is even compelled to act, their integrity and resolve is put to test. The whole of the Union looks at the Senate Council to do what is right at this moment, and only then shall we believe that their determination isn’t shaky as recently pointed by a congressman recently.

UCJ UNILORIN remains committed to exposing the truth as regards this issue. Our primary focus lies not in the petty strive for attention or slots in the social events of the Student Union, but on good governance and responsible leadership. This is a calling, not a favour granted by those in power.

This write-up is an editorial of the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ), University of Ilorin Chapter, Kwara state.

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