Thursday 18 May 2017


A Peaceful rally was held at the Kwara state house of Assembly. The 'Walk to Participation' began in front of Harmony Diagnostic Centre New Yidi roundabout to the state house of Assembly. In attendance,  we have the coordinator of the rally and founder of brain builders international, residents from Abuja,  Better by Far students sacrificing their time and energy; law students dominantly. On getting to the House of Assembly,  the populace waited outside the gate, the police force all alert while the coordinator was led in alone.  In few minutes, all except none was granted entrance,  the air was comfortable again and the gentle determined faces of the youths commanded attention filled in admirations.

The legislators welcomed them to the States' Assembly.  Specifically, Hon.  Hassan Oyeleke,  the leader of the house,  Hon.  Moshood Bakare of Omupo constituency and other appreciated honorables. The issue of first magnitude was introduced by Olasupo Abideen in 'What's Not Too Young to Run bill?'
"The Bill HB. 544, sponsored by Hon. Tony Nwulu representative of Oshodi/Isolo Federal Constituency II of Lagos state, seeks to lower the constitutional age requirement for elections in Nigeria and alter Sections 65, 106, 131 & 177 of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria so as to reduce the age qualifications for the office of the President from 40 to 30 years, Governor 35 to 30 years, the Senate 35 to 30 years, House of Representatives 30 to 25 years and State and State House of Assembly 30 to 25 years respectively." The Bill also seeks to mainstream 'Independent candidacy' into the NIGERIA'S electoral process (which seem to be the interest of most educated youths) to foster inclusion,  participation and political stability.

The route to democracy has been altered through 'partial franchise'; that is the gap between the voting age which is 18 and eligible age 35 yrs to run for Presidency,  Governorship and Senate; leading to restrictions on youths.  The ages of eligibility are bluntly porcupine provision against youths which lead to unwanted aftermath in the society due to discrimination against present generation.

The Bill was confirmed to be in the Committee Stage presently and the supports of the House was carefully pronounced typical to achieve equal franchise for the benefits, development and improvement of the people,  for the people and by the people.
On behalf of the Speaker of the House,  Hon. Hassan Oyeleke,  leader of the house said,  "I can be quoted that we are going to approve the bill". He confirmed he's very well in support and proud of the peaceful rally organised by youths for he himself had started from his youth; had been a speaker in the University of Ilorin at age 19, Student Union President at 22-23 years,  councillor at 25 and  chairman of Offa at 27. He confessed he was quite impressed with the rally turnout because the youths reminded him of his old days as an enigmatic and energetic youth.
An erstwhile and proud supporter in the name of Hon. Moshood Bakare of Omupo constituency gave his undaunted support as he himself had been a private secretary to the Governor at age 26 and he assured the youths that the bill would definitely be honoured and granted.

Azizat Abdulsalam
UCJ, Unilorin

1 comment:

  1. Quite interesting. We hope they give the youths an opportunity to run the government someday.


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