Saturday 25 November 2017

Germany coalition: Merkel to hold talks with SPD

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her ex-coalition partners, the centre-left Social Democrats, are to hold talks in efforts to end a political impasse.

Earlier, the SPD softened its stance and said it was open for discussions. Leader Martin Schulz, who has refused to renew a coalition with Mrs Merkel's conservatives, is under pressure from party allies to change his position.

Mrs Merkel failed to form a coalition government with the liberal Free Democrats and the Greens this week.

German President Frank Walter Steinmeier, who is holding talks with party leaders in efforts to break the stalemate and avoid a snap election, said he would host the talks between Mrs Merkel and the SPD next week.

Mr Schulz, who met Mr Steinmeier on Thursday, said he would ask his party to vote on whether to take part in another coalition.

The SPD was in government with Mrs Merkel between 2013 and 2017 and said it would not renew the deal following the 24 September election, when the party had its worst election result since 1949.


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