Thursday 30 November 2017

Trump Tweet: On a big high

It looks like President Trump's Wednesday and Thursday morning have left him feeling very defensive of his actions, so much so that he's targeted the NYT, Democrats and Theresa May for his actions the previous day. Apart from this, he's also constantly touting the tax cuts law and the amazing economy under his rule.

🐦 Departing JBA_NAFW for St. Charles, Missouri to help push our plan for HISTORIC TAX CUTS across the finish line. A successful vote in the Senate this week will bring us one giant step closer to delivering an incredible victory for the American people!

🐦 This week, the Senate can join the House & take a strong stand for the Middle Class families who are the backbone of America. Together, we will give the American people a big, beautiful Christmas present-a massive tax cut that lets Americans keep more of their HARD-EARNED MONEY!

The Senate has passed a procedural vote on the tax bill that allows debate to begin on the measure with a final vote expected late Thursday or Friday. The procedural vote passed 52-48.

🐦 A vote to CUT TAXES is a vote to PUT AMERICA FIRST. It is time to take care of OUR WORKERS, to protect OUR COMMUNITIES, and to REBUILD OUR GREAT COUNTRY!

🐦 Now, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to RESTORE AMERICAN PROSPERITY – and RECLAIM AMERICA’S DESTINY.

🐦 But in order to achieve this bright and glowing future, the SENATE MUST PASS TAX CUTS – and bring Main Street roaring back to life!

🐦Theresa_May, dont focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!

Donald Trump has hit back at Theresa May’s criticism of his decision to retweet far-right group Britain First. Trump appeared to have tagged the wrong user in his message, however. He later re-posted the tweet, tagging theresa_may instead.

🐦 The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump. Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW! FoxNews

The tweet attacks the FBI, a thorn in Trump’s side since the investigation into his campaign’s collusion with Russia to “win” the election last year. It also it harks back to Trump’s unfounded claims that the Obama administration had his “wires tapped” during the campaign, although this time he is only claiming that his “associates” were surveilled.

🐦 The only people who don’t like the Tax Cut Bill are the people that don’t understand it or the Obstructionist Democrats that know how really good it is and do not want the credit and success to go to the Republicans!

Democrats have raised concerns that the bill — which would cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent, double the standard deduction and add an estimated $1.4 trillion to the deficit over a decade, among other things — would disproportionately benefit the wealthy.

🐦 More “Had the information (Crooked Hillary’s emails) been released there would have been harm to National Security...." Charles McCullough Fmr Intel Comm Inspector General

🐦 Funny to hear the Democrats talking about the National Debt when President Obama doubled it in only 8 years!

🐦 The Failing nytimes, the pipe organ for the Democrat Party, has become a virtual lobbyist for them with regard to our massive Tax Cut Bill. They are wrong so often that now I know we have a winnere

Someone's really not happy with the media in their country❗

🐦 The Failing nytimes has totally gone against the Social Media Guidelines that they installed to preserve some credibility after many of their biased reporters went Rogue! foxandfriends

The attack on the paper came as his row with Theresa May and her Government appeared to escalate.

🐦 The Chinese Envoy, who just returned from North Korea, seems to have had no impact on Little Rocket Man. Hard to believe his people, and the military, put up with living in such horrible conditions. Russia and China condemned the launch.

China had dispatched the envoy earlier in the month after Mr Trump travelled to China on his recent 12-day Asia tour and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

🐦 Stock Market hits new Record High. Confidence and enthusiasm abound. More great numbers coming out!

🐦 The Dow just broke 24,000 for the first time (another all-time Record). If the Dems had won the Presidential Election, the Market would be down 50% from these levels and Consumer Confidence, which is also at an all-time high, would be “low and glum!”


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