Monday 27 November 2017

Pope sets off for Myanmar trip

Pope Francis has departed the Vatican for Myanmar on the first papal visit to the country that has this year been widely accused of ethnic cleansing. The focus will likely be on whether he uses the term "Rohingya" to describe the country's Muslim minority.

Myanmar officials strongly reject the term, raising concerns it could spark some potential violence if he does. He is scheduled to meet Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and the head of the country's military. The Pope will then visit Bangladesh, and meet a small group of Rohingya refugees there in a symbolic gesture. The 80-year-old pontiff has become known for his liberal views and willingness to denounce global injustice.

The Pope used the term "our Rohingya brothers and sisters" while denouncing the persecution then, but Myanmar's sole Catholic cardinal has asked him to avoid using it on the trip, fearing inflaming local insensitivities could lead to violence in the Buddhist-majority nation.


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