Wednesday 29 November 2017

Neil Destroys Flat-🌎Earthers with a Sole Picture

In a massive punch to Flat-earthers and the flat-earth theory, Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shared an image of a moon with a horizontal shadow over it. The caption states: “A Lunar Eclipse flat-earthers have never seen.”

Here, he allows the photo speak for itself. The primary claim in flat Earth theory, of course, is that it is flat.

During a typical lunar eclipse, we look to the sky to see the moon go entirely dark a consequence of the Earth’s shadow obstructing light from the sun from approaching the moon. This is likely because the Earth is both round and massive.

If the Earth were flat, the shadow it would cast on the moon’s surface when it got among the Sun and the moon would, in turn, look flat, as it does in Tyson’s photo. This, apparently, is never going to occur.


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