Sunday 19 November 2017

Hillary Clinton feels Trump 'is obsessed' with her

Former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Saturday described President Donald Trump as “obsessed” with her continued public presence.

“Apparently, you know, my former opponent is obsessed with my speaking out,” Clinton said in an appearance alongside her husband, former President Bill Clinton, at a forum in Little Rock, Arkansas, commemorating the 25th anniversary of his election.

She said, "Apparently there was another, somebody told me, tweet today. Honestly, between tweeting and golfing, how does he get anything done? I don’t understand it. Maybe that’s the whole point.”

Trump revived his “Crooked Hillary” moniker via Twitter on Saturday morning, claiming that his vanquished general election opponent is the “worst (and biggest) loser of all time.”

Clinton said in her Little Rock speech she wouldn’t be silenced. “I’m gonna keep speaking out,” she said.


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