Saturday, 18 November 2017

Hillary questions 'legitimacy' of Trump's victory

Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, has  questioned the “legitimacy” of President Trump’s victory, accusing Republicans of voter suppression tactics in swing states and Russians of influencing votes through a “disinformation campaign.”

“I think that there are lots of questions about its legitimacy,” Clinton said of the election during a video interview posted online Friday by the liberal Mother Jones website.

Clinton lamented how “we don’t have a method for contesting” the election in the United States and called for an independent commission to “get to the bottom of what happened.”

She opined that, she believes the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians, something Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team has been investigating but the president has flatly denied. “As we learn more about it, we know that the web of connections between people on Trump’s team and Russian representatives just gets more and more dense,” Clinton said.

Clinton, who has been promoting her book on the campaign and has been headlining paid live events, said she believes the Russians’ “very successful disinformation campaign” contributed to her loss.


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