Thursday 9 November 2017

Trump strikes the heart of the North Korean 🇰🇷 regime with speech

President Trump has said on several occasions that he is willing to talk to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Well, Trump did — after a fashion.

The U.S. president directly addressed his 33-year-old nemesis in a speech to South Korea’s National Assembly.

This time, Trump did not call Kim “Little Rocket Man” or use the kinds of rhetorical flourishes that play so well on Twitter.

But the words that Trump used cut deeper because they strike at the very heart of the Kim regime. If there is one thing that Kim Jong Un has shown he cannot tolerate, it is personal criticism.

“North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned,” Trump said to Kim, who, if he was in Pyongyang, was just 120 miles away. “It is a hell that no person deserves.”

Kim Il Sung, who is revered like a god in North Korean propaganda, established the country in 1948 as a “socialist paradise” of free housing, health care and education where people would want for nothing.

His grandson Kim Jong Un claims his legitimacy as North Korea’s supreme leader by virtue of being a direct descendant of this quasi-deity.

Trump devoted a large part of his address to detailing the human rights abuses that the Kims have committed in North Korea, filling his speech with words such as “twisted,” “sinister,” “tyrant,” “fascism” and “cult.”

“I wanted to stand up from my seat and shout ‘yahoo!’ ” said Lee Hyeon-seo, an escapee from North Korea who was sitting in the assembly hall during Trump’s address. “We just don’t hear people talking about North Korea in this way in South Korea, so I was very emotional during the speech. I was very impressed.”


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