Thursday 23 November 2017

Apple begins sales of Nigerian built gaming robots

Apple Stores in the United States and United Kingdom have begun the sale of gaming robots, MekaMons, built by a Nigerian-British, Silas Adekunle. Adekunle’s company, Reach Robotics struck the deal with Apple recently.

The product with a price tag of $299.95 went on sale from 16 November in the shops and online. The robots can be operated with an iPhone and other smartphones.

Reach Robotics, an augmented reality gaming company creates robots for both fun and STEM education.

MekaMons are four-legged robots that players can control via a smartphone using a companion app for augemented reality gameplay. Multiple players can have their MekaMons battle each another.

Each robot weighs a little over two pounds with dimensions of 11.8 by 11.8 by 5.9 inches. Adekunle, who was born in Nigeria moved to the UK when he was 11 years old.


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