Thursday 2 November 2017

Bin Laden's Computer💻 Held Home Movies, Propaganda & 🎮Games

The CIA has publicly released nearly 470,000 new files from Osama bin Laden's computer during the deadly 2011 raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

It had videos on how to crochet flowers, pirated Nintendo games, Hollywood films, and the documentary Where in the World is Osama bin Laden.

They also included Home movie shows bin Laden's little-seen son Hamza at his wedding, Hollywood films, video games and documentaries were also on it.

Scanned images of the terrorist mastermind's personal diary, in order to "further enhance public understanding" of Al Qaeda, were also found.

Copyrighted material, pornography, malware and material deemed sensitive to national security has been withheld from public release, the US agency said of this fourth tranche of public documents.


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