Friday 10 November 2017

Cameroon Gov issues arrest warrants for separatist leaders

Cameroonian authorities have issued 15 international arrest warrants for leaders of an Anglophone separatist party, the Southern Cameroon National Council. It comes after at least two military police officers were killed at a security checkpoint earlier this week.

Dozens were killed last month in a violent crackdown on protests against the mainly French-speaking government. Many English speakers accuse the Francophone majority of discrimination.

They say they are often excluded from top civil service jobs, and that the French language and legal system have been imposed on them. The government denies the allegations and insists that it treats all citizens equally.

Cameroon newspapers list Sisiku Ayuk Tabe - the president of the Anglophone consortium - as among those wanted.

The paper Le Jour, which is the leading French daily in the country, says that files have been prepared and submitted to international police with a view to extraditing Mr Tabe and his colleagues.


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