Wednesday 8 November 2017

Raila Roots for 6⃣ -Month Interim Govt for Constitutional Review

NASA leader Raila Odinga said on Tuesday he wants an interim government to run the country for six months while the constitution is reviewed to curb President Uhuru Kenyatta's authority.

He told Reuters in an interview that he was open to talks with Uhuru over a constitutional review aimed at lowering the risk of violence from minority groups who feel excluded from power.

"A pure presidential system enhances ethnicity because each community believes that they are not safe unless their man is at the top," Raila said in the interview in his office.

A constitutional review could strengthen institutions like the election board and cut down the powers of the presidency, he said.

"We think that maybe six months will be required to carry out all these changes that we need in this country." Raila served as prime minister in a coalition government that was crafted in 2008 after two months of violence following a disputed election killed 1,200 people.


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