Wednesday 1 November 2017

Sony latest PlayStation announcements

With Los Angeles' E3 and Germany's Gamescom fading in memory, Sony used the opening of Paris Games Week today to reveal a bevy of new games for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.

The company also shared new footage of some anticipated, previously announced games. Most of these announcements came in the form of polished, non-interactive trailers, many of which provided very scant details of what the games themselves are actually like to play.

Above, we've captured a handful of representative shots from some of Sony's more interesting announcements along with what we can glean about the games themselves. Click through to find out more or just check out the trailers directly using the links below:

Ghost of Tsushima : 

Concrete Genie : 

Blood and Truth : 

Spelunky 2 : 

Guacamelee 2 : 

The Hong Kong Massacre : 

Resident Evil 7 "Not a Hero" : 

Megalith VR : 

Final Fantasy XV 'Episode Ignis" : 

Invector : 

Oure : 

Erica trailer : 

On Rush : 

Shadow of the Colossus PS4 : 

The Last of Us Part II :


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