Sunday 19 November 2017

Trump Tweet: The art of reverse psychology

President Trump's weekend has started on a rather strategic note, with him putting a hold on the decision to remove restrictions on importing animal trophies. Of course, he was rather upset with Hillary blaming him about the elections so he had a couple of words for her too❗

🐦 Today, it was an honor to celebrate the Collegiate National Champions of 2016/2017 at the WhiteHouse! NCAAChampions🏆.

🐦 Put big game trophy decision on hold until such time as I review all conservation facts. Under study for years. Will update soon with Secretary Zinke. Thank you!

Trump was referencing his administration's decision to remove restrictions on importing African elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia. His tweet came on the same day that a notice allowing elephant trophies from Zimbabwe appeared in the Federal Register.

🐦 Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst (and biggest) loser of all time. She just can’t stop, which is so good for the Republican Party. Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years!

Looks like Trump was retorting to a Mother Jones interview published Friday in which Clinton questioned last year’s election results, amid evidence that Russia tried to influence the race outcome. She called for an independent commission to investigate the matter.

🐦➿ Piers Morgan: BOOM! Thank you, Mr President. Trophy-hunting is repellent.

Now, this is amazing. Reverse a banned rule and then, put the decision on hold the same day. Then, retweet people thanking you for putting it on hold. What a great strategy!

🐦➿ Greta Van Susteren: Thank you realDonaldTrump - this is important to so many of us


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