Thursday 23 November 2017

Trump Tweet: The thanksgiving 🙏🏼 tweets 🐦

President Trump began his Thanksgiving holiday on Wednesday morning by returning to a topic that ranks low on "job responsibilities of the President of the United States": NFL players kneeling 👀 during the national anthem to protest social injustice. Oh well, there seems to be no 'giving thanks' yet!

🐦 President Donald J. Trump and FLOTUS Melania Participate in the Pardoning of the National Thanksgiving Turkey at the White House.

🐦 Today, we continued a wonderful American Tradition at the White House. Drumstick and Wishbone will live out their days in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains at Gobbler’s Rest...

🐦 It wasn’t the White House, it wasn’t the State Department, it wasn’t father LaVar’s so-called people on the ground in China that got his son out of a long term prison sentence - IT WAS ME. Too bad! LaVar is just a poor man’s version of Don King, but without the hair. Just think.

The president complained yet again that LaVar Ball, father of LiAngelo Ball, hasn't given him credit for the release of his son and two other UCLA basketball players after they were accused of shoplifting while in China for a basketball game.

🐦 LaVar, you could have spent the next 5 to 10 years during Thanksgiving with your son in China, but no NBA contract to support you. But remember LaVar, shoplifting is NOT a little thing. It’s a really big deal, especially in China. Ungrateful fool!

Someone's not really in the holiday spirit!

🐦 The NFL is now thinking about a new idea - keeping teams in the Locker Room during the National Anthem next season. That’s almost as bad as kneeling! When will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough and smart? This issue is killing your league!...

Players have only been on the field during the anthem since 2009. Before that, they remained in the locker room. Whether Trump was aware of that fact is irrelevant; his tweet is meant to anger NFL fans who conflate player protests with disrespecting the flag and the military.

🐦➿ Joey Mannarino: The ungratefulness is something I’ve never seen before. If you get someone’s son out of prison, he should be grateful to you! Period. I don’t care. If Hillary got my kid out of prison, as much as I hate the woman, I’d thank her corrupt ass!

🐦➿ Laura Ingraham: “Far right”? You mean “right so far,” as in realDonaldTrump has been right so far abt how to kick the economy into high gear.

🐦 Will be having meetings and working the phones from the Winter White House in Florida (Mar-a-Lago). Stock Market hit new Record High yesterday - $5.5 trillion gain since E. Many companies coming back to the U.S. Military building up and getting very strong.

Trump arrived at a golf course three hours after tweeting the above. At about 9.30 am, the President’s motorcade rolled into the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Hmm, how he's going to 'work the phones' in a golf club!

🐦 The USNavy is conducting search and rescue following aircraft crash. We are monitoring the situation. Prayers for all involved.

A US navy transport plane carrying 11 people crashed in the Philippine Sea south of Japan on Wednesday as it flew to the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, the US Seventh Fleet said. Eight people were rescued, with three others missing, it said, adding that all of the rescued personnel were transferred to the carrier for medical evaluation and were in good condition.


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