Saturday 4 November 2017

British tourist 'faces death penalty in Egypt' for carrying painkillers

A British woman has been detained in Egypt after flying into the country with painkillers for her husband's sore back.

Laura Plummer, 33, from Hull, was arrested when she was found to be carrying tramadol and Naproxen in her suitcase.

The newspaper said she signed a 38-page statement in Arabic which she thought would result in her being able to leave the airport, but she has been held in a 15ft by 15ft cell with 25 other women for nearly a month. Her brother James Plummer, 31, said the family has been told she could face up to 25 years in jail, with one lawyer even mentioning the death penalty, The Sun reported.

Mr Plummer said his sister had been arrested for what he thinks the authorities in Egypt call "drug trafficking", but said she had only brought a small amount of medication for her Egyptian husband who she visits two to four times a year. Mr Plummer said: "It's just blown out of proportion completely."

Mr Plummer said his mother and sisters have travelled to Egypt to visit Laura following her arrest on 9 October, adding: "They say she's unrecognisable. When they seen her, she's like a zombie, they said."


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