Friday 3 November 2017

Brother of French jihadist Mohamed Merah in jail

The brother of the French jihadist who murdered seven people in Toulouse, including three Jewish children, has been jailed for 20 years.

But he was cleared of having a direct role in the 2012 attacks, in which his younger sibling, Mohamed Merah, shot three soldiers and then three children and a teacher at a Jewish school.

Abdelkader Merah, 35, had been accused of mentoring and encouraging his brother's interest in jihadism, and of helping him to steal a scooter that was used in the attack.

Mohamed Merah shot and killed Imad Ibn-Ziaten, a 30-year-old staff sergeant in the 1st Airborne Transportation Regiment, behind the Chateau de l'Hers school in a quiet district of Toulouse on 11 March 2012.

Four days later, he killed two members of the 17th Airborne Combat Engineering Regiment, Corporal Abel Chennouf, 24, and Private Mohamed Legouad, 26, outside a small shopping centre in Montauban, 45km (30 miles) from Toulouse.


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