Sunday 19 November 2017

Libya 🇱🇾 migrant 'slave market' footage sparks reaction

The African Union (AU) has expressed outrage after footage emerged appearing to show sub-Saharan migrants being sold at slave markets in Libya. On the video, released by CNN this week, young men are seen being auctioned off as farm workers. 

The AU chairman, President Alpha Conde of Guinea, demanded prosecutions over a "despicable" trade "from another era". Migrants trying to reach Europe have spoken of being held by smugglers and forced to work for little or no money. 

The footage released by CNN appears to show youths from Niger and other sub-Saharan countries being sold to buyers for about $400 (£300) at undisclosed locations in Libya. 

"These modern slavery practices must end and the African Union will use all the tools at its disposal," Mr Conde said. 

Libya has opened an investigation into the practice, CNN reported on Friday.


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